Trouble Bubble

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Y/N:.... I don't like the sound of that.

Y/N grumbled beneath his breath as he sat alone on one of the many rows on the lecture hall. He was currently looked at the clock that was at the very center of the room right above Professor Port's blowhard. There were only 5 minutes remaining before the start of class and he couldn't help but expect that team RWBY and JNPR to be more punctual.

Y/N: Right, I'm waking them up whenever I do.

Professor Port appeared behind the teacher's table at the very center of the lecture hall, where he came from nobody knows. Y/N looked up once again and watched as the clock's hand show him that only a minute was left before class starts. Yawning, he leaned back on his chair and placed his feet up on the table. Just as about the bell signalling the start of class rang, team RWBY and JNPR bursts out of the classroom's doors and into the floor.

Y/N shook his head at his friends. Professor port simply chucked and began pacing about the room as team RWBY and JNPR goes to sit down.

Y/N: What took you guys?

Ruby: We had to tie up the bunk beds.

Y/N: Bunk beds?

Blake: it was Ruby's idea.

Weiss: Quiet. Class is about to start.

Y/N: Nice to see you too Snow.

Weiss raised an eyebrow at the nickname and faced Y/N who had his head buried deep in his arms as he began to sleep.

PP: Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely prefer to call them as Prey. Ha-Ha!

Professor Port looked around to see the reaction of his students to his joke. His eyes landed to Y/N who shrugged causing him to sigh. Y/N watched as a sleepy ruby tried her best to stay awake as Weiss tried her best to write down notes on what Port was lecturing about while yang and Blake didn't care at all.

Y/N: I'll be borrowing your notes once final exams are near Weiss.

Weiss: Write your own notes you dunce.

Y/N: Meh, too much trouble.

PP: Which you shall too after you graduate from this prestigious academy. But as I was saying. Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms are safe heavens.

Y/N: Heard this lecture from the bullhead.

Yang: Bullhead?

Blake: you went somewhere with the professor?

Y/N: Yeah.

Weiss: what for?

Y/N: Classified.

Weiss: Hmph. Fine, I guess you'd be using your own notes.

Y/N: Nice to know you actually thought about letting me use your notes snow.

Blake smirked as Weiss looked at Y/N with a look worth a thousand words as she realized how she was played into his hands.

PP: in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces!

Y/N: Oh boy, here it comes.

PP: And that's were we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses.

Port points out yang and sends out a wink making her roll her eyes and groan.

Y/N: I told him not to do that.

Yang: Now I'm really curious on what you did with Professor Port

A Remnant of Death ( Weiss X OP Persona 3 Mc) OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now