Messy Start

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The sound of engines roaring to their heart's content as their riders pushed them to the limit of their speed as they flew through the busy streets of Vale causing everyone, inside a car or walking at the streets to stop and look at the three motorcycle riders that had a blonde haired girl run not too far behind the trails of smoke they left in their wake.

But it wasn't just because they were loud or that they ignored the speed limit which caused people to turn and look at them, it was the fact that they had never seen this kind of motorcycles in the streets of vale before.

Y/N: Where are we going again?

Y/N asked his friends as he sped up, his blue motorcycle glowing a faint blue as they kept low to the ground. He had been dragged by his feet out into downtown Vale, making him miss what little time that was left in the break that he could have used for his precious naps.

The riders of the white and red motorcycles turned their heads at Y/N. The red rider tapped the right side of the helmet she was wearing and the windshield that was covering her face disappeared and revealed Mitsuru's elegant features.

Mitsuru: Reconnaissance mission for Ozpin. Don't worry, we'll be back to our friends before lunch.

Y/N groaned as the memories of the past weeks slapped reality to his face once more. After he had passed out, he had woken up three days later in the dorms of team RWBY where he saw his friends get along with the adults that he had worked with and could also call his best friends, as strangely enough they knew about one another like the back of their hands.

And to make matters worst, Ozpin has agreed to let Mitsuru and Akihiko inside beacon, making them special guests that can easily enter and exit beacon as they pleased. What's worst, however, was the events that transpired yesterday night.

Y/N: Ozpin you called for me?

Y/N called out to the headmaster as soon as the elevator's doors opened, revealing the headmaster in green sitting across Mitsuru and Akihiko with Aigis standing behind the couch they were sitting on.

Ozpin: finally. I was beginning to think you'd have taken a nap and ignored the message.

Mitsuru: indeed. We were about to send Akihiko to come and get you, but it seems to be no longer necessary.

Y/N: Woah there, please let my body rest in peace whenever it gets the chance.

Y/N groaned as he walked towards their group and sat on the solo chair in between them. Ozpin offered him a muffin as Mitsuru poured him out a cup of tea, he accepted both of them with a thanks and leaned back on his seat

Y/N: Let's cut to the chase, what's happening.

Ozpin: Classic Y/N, not caring for small talk.

Mitsuru: It is one of his many... admirable qualities is it not?

Akihiko: Yeah, especially if it's in a fight.

The three chuckled. Y/N groaned mentally and cleared his throat, sending a tired yet stern look at the three which got the message thankfully.

Ozpin: Mhm, yes. The point. Well, Congratulations.

Y/N: Are you giving me a suicidal mission which would kill me in an honorable way!?

Mitsuru:..I think your enthusiasm is a little misplaced.

Ozpin: Heavens no, you and I both know the Grimm don't pose a problem to you nor do the shadows.

Y/N: You told him?

Mitsuru: Indeed. We had no choice,

Akihiko: for reasons we were told not to divulge, we believe that Ozpin has the rights to know what the new threats are.

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