A Normal night

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A lone boy could be seen sitting alone on one of the pair of swings inside a playground located at the middle of a park. He watched with empty eyes as the kids around him shouted in Glee and enjoyment as they ran around playing with one another. Even though he wanted to join them in their fun, he couldn't figure out how to approach any of them.

Y/N: ( I want to have some fun too....)

He kicked the ground lightly to give himself a little boost, moving the swing into a slow rocking motion as some way of comforting himself. All of a sudden, a colorful bounced on his head causing him to look up at pair of two young kids.

???: Hey Blueberry, mind handing us the ball?

Y/N looked down on the ball that laid motionless next to his feet on the ground then back to the orange haired boy that flashed him a smile that he felt like would charm anyone.

Y/N: Uhh.... Sure?

Y/N Jumped off the swing and grabbed the ball, unsure of what to do he stared at it from a good second and turned his head towards the orange haired boy and the girl with pink and brown hair with a questioning look. The girl tilted her head in confusion and made a throwing motion with his hands that Y/N immediately copied, letting the ball sail through the air and was caught easily by the boy.

???: Nice throw Blueberry, I guess Neo over here really does have a good eye for people.

The orange haired boy chuckled and ruffled the young girl's hair much to her annoyance. Having a closer look Y/N realized that the Boy must have been much older than him and the girl, maybe five or more years given the height difference.

???: So waddya say Blueberry? Wanna play with us while you wait for your other friends?

Y/N tilted his head while walking towards them.

Y/N: My friends? Do you know them? It'd be nice to meet them atleast once

This caused the Orange haired boy to chuckle nervously and passed the ball to Neo who pouted at him.

???: Yikes Blueberry, no need to be so Sassy. I just assumed you were waiting for someone since you sat there like a puppy waiting for a treat

Y/N: Sassy? Puppy?

Y/N Scratches his head and stopped right in front of Neo who smiled and threw the ball to Y/N who caught it but not without fumbling with it for a bit from the sudden pass.

???: Yikes, you seriously need to get some friends. Neo, if you would?

The orange haired kid slightly bowed towards Neo who giggled silently before taking a notepad from her pockets and began writing in it. Y/N looks confused at this which the orange haired kid noticed

???: Neo's a mute blueberry. Something about a Grimm attack while she was a wee kid. Don't know the details myself you know

The kid winked at Y/N and accepted the piece of paper Neo handed to him and presented it to Y/N. Y/N reluctantly took it and began reading the contents out-loud.

Y/N: Wanna be friends with us with a series of three question marks and two smiley faces and a colon with a capital D.

???: Eesh. And here I thought Neo was a problem kid but here I find blueberry who reads emoticons seriously.

Y/N stared at the note for a good moment before handing it back to Neo who smiled at him, expecting an answer.

Y/N: sure? I mean, I don't really care but if you guys want to...

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