주연 💜 Once Again

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Lee Juyeon
Once Again💜

hii, sorryyyy for not updating for too longggg🙏🏻 it's been a while🥲 i'm too busy with university so...

move on!

so this might be dry, but i hope you will like this😗❤️(oh also, i brought someone from ENHYPEN, is that okay?)



a loud voice bawled out my name from the kitchen, making me stood up from my bed lazily and went there. my brother, called me as he was playing with our dog, patting it cutely.

"yes,Jungwon-ie why??"

"let's go buy some foods, i'm hungry," he pouted as i just chuckled at his cuteness.

jungwon hun,
be glad that you're so cute,
or eLSE!!!!

"alright, alright...let me take my things first,"

he nodded at me and wait at the front door as i went to my bedroom take my purse and phone. i walked back to him as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder, smiling broadly.

"let's go!"


"wahh, they did renew the stock aren't they?"

"yup, i guess,"

i mumbled, replying jungwon as i strolled along the small aisle while jungwon wanted to walk into the other one. "i'll take some ramyeon pack okay noona?" i hummed at his question as he left me. then, i went into dairy aisle since we ran out of chocolate milk at home and i was trying to find my favourite one.

"ah, it's the last one," i tried to grab the last chocolate milk,but i wasn't realised that someone was behind me- trying to reach for that too, as then he got it first; since he's way too taller.

"hey, i saw it first--"

my head hit his chest a bit, which made me surprised at first as i turned around to see the guy--

as deja vu hit me.

i was frozen on my spot to see the guy in front of me, as then, our gazes met each other.

that eyes,

that face,

that lips--


a smile broke on his lips, which it's still giving me a bunch of butterflies in my stomach.


i broke our eye contact as i saw jungwon standing in front of us,as he looked at the guy.

"juyeon-hyung, it's been a long time!"

a wide smile still plastered on his lips as he shook hands with my brother. "noona, i pay these all first okay?" jungwon then took my things from my hands as he left me--again, but with this guy.


lee juyeon,
my ex boyfriend.

we broke up about 2 years ago,

it's not because of cheating, but he moved into a dormitory and become a professional dancer while i got studied into a pharmacy course in university.

he still the same,

except becoming more attractive and handsome,

he also became taller, didn't he?

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒛 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ♡ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now