상연 ❤ Secret Admirer

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Lee Sangyeon
Secret Admirer❤

requested by Hana_Lee04

made half by sangyeonwhipped

for the second request! sorry for being late😊

i really hope you like it!❤❤


I woke up in the morning by the bright shining light that got into my room. I felt my waist was cold- signing that there was no one hugging me.

" sangyeon--"

I touched the pillow beside me and it's already empty.

hmm, I guessed he left already

I woke up and yawned. It's already 9 when I opened my phone.

It will be another day without my beloved boyfriend, Sangyeon. Huhu.

I walked myself lazily to the kitchen and saw a post-it on the refrigerator.

Babe, i'm sorry, but I can't be with you this weekend again. Take care of yourself, okay? Make sure to eat on time! Btw I love you always ❤️

I smiled from ear to ear.

Aw... my heart can't take this. Too much sugar. It's not good for me.


He left on my birthday!

I looked at the post-it again. There's nothing else.

Not even a happy birthday wish?!


How dare he--

urgh, never mind. I understood that he was being the busiest person ever... so he won't remember a small thing like this, right? *sobs*

It's okay, i'm sure he will send me a message or give me a call.

nAh. It was too bored to stay at home on my birthday, so yeah, LET'S GO SHOPPING!


it's too hot today,

let's take a break and drink!

I went to a coffee shop near the mall. Fortunately, there are not many people there, so I could enjoy my time.

Suddenly, when I was drinking my water, someone approached me.

Who is this guy?

"Are you Ms. Lee?", he asked in a proper voice while handing me a bouquet of red roses.

Out of a sudden?!

"Yes, I am"

"Someone told me to give this to you"

"Who is it?"

"your secret admirer"

He just smiled and left.

'huh? He just left like that?'

After sending him off with my eyes, I quickly searched and opened the card.

"If you want to know who am I, meet me by 3 at XX ."


of course, it's not Sangyeon, his handwriting is a bit different...plus, this isn't his company too...

Nah, I could just go, right?


I already waited for almost 5 mins there, then I just stared down until something hit me on my ankle,

and it's a toy car (the remote control toy car)


I don't even see a child here...

As I looked at the toy car, I could see a paper written 'FOLLOW ME' on it as the car rode itself into the big company,

wow, this is unique...

so i just followed it, until the toy stopped in front of the hall's front door as i read another sign on the door which was 'OPEN ME'

but then, as i opened the door, the hall was so dark and quiet as no one was there. the toy brought me to the middle of the hall and then,

a spotlight was turned on at me.

Then, the projector was turned on too, flashing all the videos of Sangyeon and I when we both were madly in love with each other--

which made me flickered into a genuine,the widest smile ever.

untill then, there was the last video of him,

that was taken by this morning.

he caressed my cheeks gently and he give me a light peck on my forehead. He smiled broadly as he whispered,

"happy birthday babe, i love you so much"

The lights were turned on as Sangyeon was on the stage, beaming at me as he walked off the stage towards me. He wiped my tears that i didn't realise I was shredding as he caressed my cheeks softly.

"I thought that you won't remember..."

"of course I do babe, I will always do,"

I smiled at his words whilst he pulled me into his embrace as his members came out of the sudden, singing the birthday song for me. my brother, Hyunjae brought the cake towards us as we both loosened the hug, looking at each other. As I blew out the candles, they all cheered happily and Sangyeon pecked on my cheek, whispering something which made me broke into a smile again,

"happy birthday y/n"



well, juyeon was being quarantine right?

i'm so sad but i think it's good for him, at least they all could get some rest...

and not related to tbz,

is there anyone who watched imitation😗😗??

it's only ep 1 but the story was lit😆😆

okay that's all from me!

i'll post another chapter for today soon (i think hehe)

so stay tune and vote please😊❤❤❤

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