상연 💜 Prince Pt.2

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Lee Sangyeon
Prince pt.2 💜

Here you go!!

Hope you guys enjoy!

17 years later

"It's still the same"

She took a deep breath as she walked out from the flight.

She's home.
After for 17 years of running away from her reality.

Suddenly, she got a call as she broke into a smile to see who was the caller.

  "Juyeon oppa! Are you coming?"

It was her brother,
Lee Juyeon.

      "Y/n-ah~ yeah, of course! are you arrived already?"

"Yup,i'm here"

    "Okay then,i'll pick you up"

She answered a yes as she declined the call. After waiting for about 15 mins, someone embraced him from back, making her curled a smile to see her brother.

   "Hey, where's my feminine sister huh?"
Juyeon asked her, leaving her a giggle as she embraced him back.


She looked up herself.

No dresses,
No skirts,
No pink shirts,

It just her,
Stopping herself from doing a thing that might broke her heart ; again.

"You should just ask dad to use his private flight to take you from LA"

   "nevermind Oppa, i already used to live in a simple way"

She gleamed to her brother, earning a ruffle on her hair. Juyeon helped her to bring the luggages as he brought her to his Ferrari.

   "There are some of my friends at home, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure"

Just please,
I don't want to see his face,


They finally arrived in their 'home'-- which is a castle actually, as Juyeon brought her into the living room as she could saw 10 pair of eyes were on her.

'Are they are princes too? Wahh, too many'

She murmured to herself as she just looked at all of her brother's friend.

   "So guys, meet my sister, Lee Y/n"

Juyeon said as the boys started to introduced ourselves as the last person caught her eyes.

She knew this would be happen.


    "Hi Sangyeon, it's been a while"

She broke into a small smile as she took away her bags from Juyeon and went straight to her room.

It's really been a while to meet you again,
Prince Sangyeon.



A big dramatic sigh.

The face that she hoped that she would never seen anymore playing in her mind all over again. She knew that she was too innocent when she was being accused by him that time, but it was still hurting her.

She couldn't forgive someone that easy,

Cause he had changed her.

It has been a while since she was home but she would never got out from her room.

Because her brother's friends were always here,
And of course,
Sangyeon was there too.

A loud knock suddenly boomed outside of her bedroom, realising her from daydreaming. Juyeon came inside as he grabbed his sister's hand.

   "Why Juyeon?"

       "I want to change you back"


He smiled at her as he brought her to the mall. They went to their family boutique as he gave her a lot dresses to her.

    "Juyeon i don't wear this things!"

As he heard those words coming out from her mouth, he held onto her shoulder, making his own sister looked at her.

"Y/n, past is past.. all you need to do is be yourself. Aren't you tired of doing these shits?"

Yes, i am tired.

She got tougue-tied as her brother pushed her into the changing room as she had tried a few dresses. Her brother was so happy that she could slowly overcome with those things as she changed the clothes for last time.

It was a white dress,

With the same decoration with her dress when she went to last Sangyeon's birthday party.

She gleamed happily as she got out from the room. There, she was at a loss for words as as she got greet by a familiar gaze.

    "Hi, Princess Y/N"

It was him,

They both made the eyes contact as she quickly broke it and looked away. As she tried to run away, he gripped her hand from running away from him.

"I'm sorry, y/n "

Then, she bravely took a glance on him.

   "I'm sorry for changing yourself, i knew i shouldn't be to harsh to you that time and i regretted for not saying the right thing "

They both looked at each other as he caressed on her hands.

"Forgive me for making you suffered from you insecurity. I was stupid to cover all of my feelings to you and scared that someone would fall in love with you too. Please y/n,

Give me a chance help you overcome your anxiety,

and be your lover, can i?"

Then, the tears was running down through her cheeks as she cried in happiness. Finally, she was pain-free.


She mumbled slowly as he embraced her.
Sangyeon pecked softly on her forehead as he was truly happy for her. They both broke into a smile as they both stared at each other.

    "I love you my princess"

       "And i love you too, my prince"


Sorry if this wasn't good for the ending,

I am tired and sleepy, sorry🙏🏻

I promise that i could do better for the next story.

Thanks for reading tho ')

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒛 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ♡ ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt