케빈 ❤ Clingy

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Kevin Moon

Requested milk_milk_milk_0


I missed you guys a lot btw ;)

I'm still in sch and guess wut??

exam is gonna be in a week more🙄 my preparation is zero hAH

So i might not update a lot bcoz of tons of hw and classes but i missed writing wp so no one can stop me (twice yezza)😂

Gosh, i'm sleepy and i have class tmr😪
But nvm!!😁

Hope you guys love it!!❤






( i should just write tiktok instead lol)

    I took a glance over the clock, sighing.

It's already 2 in the morning
and where is him?

I turned on my phone, seeing nothing but just my wallpaper of my boyfriend and me on my sec date ; instead of notifications that i should receive whenever he went late from work.

Is he fine?

At least he should say something if he'll be sleeping at the dorm today

Then, i put my phone on the table as i decided to take a nap. As i closed my eyes, someone suddenly opened the front door, making me opened my eyes back.

"Kevin-ie, you're home?"

No response but i could see a tired face plastered on his face. He closed the door, not even taking a glance at me.

that's not my boyfriend's doing.

I know. I might sound ridiculous but, really..

Kevin didn't do like that.
He's the clingiest boyfriend i ever had in my life.

Even how tired he was, he would always greet me after he back from work- embrace me with some light kisses, or at least reply me with a smile.

Is he too tired?

I walked up from the couch as i went to him, who was walking to our shared room.

"Kevin, are you okay??"

I wrapped my arms with his, but he refused it as he looked at me.

"I'm tired y/n, urgh just let me sleep"

I was shocked at first, but since i thought that he wasn't in the good mood, i just let him go.

Nah, he just wasn't in mood right?


The sun brightened up my room, waking me up from my dreamland. The usual feeling whenever i woke up from my sleep was gone-- since i usually slept in kevin's embraces, but he didn't cuddle me last night, hurm...

I already missed him,
Did i make him upset or something??

I woke up from bed and quickly went to the kitchen. I could see Kevin eating some cereal at the dining table so i embraced him.

"Good morning baby~~"


He shortly replied without looking at me.

"You just eat cereal? I thought u didn't like this cer--"

" lol, i didn't even say it"

Okay, take a deep breath y/n.

"Yah, are you really okay??"

Then, he suddenly looked at me.

"Gosh, i'm fine.. stop babying me,you sound like a  mom"

His words had taken me back as i clenched my fist, holding my anger.

   "I'm done with you Kevin Moon, get out from my house"


He looked at me with a cold eyes, but he looked a bit scared.

  "This is not you. You're not my Kevin Moon, you don't talk to me like this...you supposed to be a sweetest and clingiest boyfriend who always want to be with me 24/7, but now, idk who you are so get out from house until you found your true self"

His face changed.


"Get out, i said now"

He looked at me with a gloomy face and gave my home's spare key as he got out from house.

I knew this isn't real.


Third person p.o.v

Kevin got out from the house when y/n closed the door in front of his face. He sighed.

Stupid me.

He smacked his head once, walking out from the apartment area as he suddenly meet his friends; Eric and Jacob, who were the one who suggested all of these nonsense thingys.

"Eo Kevin-ah! We're just about to go to your ho-- wait, what's with that face?"

     "It's all your both faults"



   "Yah, it's all your ridiculous idea, Sohn Youngjae"

Eric laughed cheekily as he heard that, while Jacob looked at the gloomy boy.

"Sorry to hear that she's mad at you, well.. i thought that girls would be annoyed if their bf are too clingy so that's why we told you to stop being too clingy with her"

"I knew that she wouldn't be annoyed when i was being too clingy, she knew the real me"

He sighed. Eric laughs lost from his mouth, realising that his friend's relationship was breaking apart because of him. Running his finger through his greyish-blonde hair, Kevin felt frustrated.

"I need to fix this"




She opened the door, revealing a sad face of her boyfriend. He opened his arms to her, waiting her to embrace him as she looked at him.

"Is this my Kevin??"

He nodded, pouting as she chuckled.

"Okay come here"

Kevin embraced her tight, making she buried her face into his chest.

My home.

She smiles widely in his arms. As they broke the hug, she looked at how adorable Kevin stating  all the reasons why he did that.

"You're not mad at me anymore, right??"

"How could i be mad at you Kevin"

"Hehe,this is why i love you babe~~"

He cupped her face once and pecked on her lips, making her giggled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she said, smiling.

"Always be my clingy boyfriend, okay?"


Just wait for my updates!!

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