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Tyler Seluja didn't want Eva to go but because of his father, Thomas Benjamin. she had to go. 

Mr Thomas didn't like Eva but on pressure he kept as P.A. As they escaped the hall his father came and he took Tyler Seluja home . 

But Tyler Seluja was demanding that Eva go with him. But she denied his proposal and left him. She went towards her car. Tylor requested that the driver dropped her but she didn't agree .

Now Eva is distracted by hearing the 'beep' sound . She looked at her pendant. It was twinkling with blue light. She understood where she would have to go. She turned her car towards the right side and increased the speed.

She didn't know another car also turned in the same direction.

She was Martha.

In the hotel, Pompy saw the pendant  of Eva,  he called Martha and said to her to follow her.

Eva brought her car in mud narrow path which was running in the middle of the deepest forest. But one thing was strange for Martha that how narrow a path had been  already made in the middle of the forest? It means she always used this path and someone made it in a few days.

Martha was having difficulty driving in the muddy path but she saw the girl was easily driving. There were crest in this path. And another thing is that the headlight was turned off.

After five minutes,

Eva stopped her car, turned off the headlight and got down . She closed the door and walked through a direction.

Martha also stopped her and hid it behind the bushes and then she started to follow her. After a few seconds Martha was shocked she got a big abundant fort in which Eva entered.

Martha also entered and she got herself in the big hall but Eva was not there but in the next seconds she was not able to think of anything else . Now she was looking at colourful stars in front of her eyes.

That man who was long ,strong and had a wide chest was 0F struck on her head with an iron rod. He was the man who followed Martha from the hotel.

*Martha didn't know WINTER has a computerized brain, she always kept upper,middle and lower agents.(here upper agent was Eva , middle agent is the girl who stood at the gate and lower agent was the biker who was the field worker (0F)

Martha got unconscious and fell down on the floor.

Eva came out from the other room and smiled.

'she got caught finally'

'Yes,0T' that man said

'But who is this?' Eva was surprised.

''This is Martha , undercover agent and chemical scientist and company of Robert''   that man easily replied

''Oh! This is the person about whom winter was speaking''

''Yes,this is the girl who is figuring out our secret formula,she is here that means Robert could also be in somewhere''

''Hmm, ok you pick her up and follow me'', saying it Eva again entered the room whose door was in the middle of the hall.

That long and strong man picked her at his shoulder as a small doll and followed Eva.


Sara was so worried,it was late night but Martha was not in the home. She didn't come home. 

She tried her phone many times but Martha didn't response

Sara was wondering fro and to in the room when suddenly, a car stopped in the parking lot and footsteps. Sara looked up and saw that Robert and Pompey were entering the room.

"Where is Martha? Pompy I have been trying to call her for so many times but she's not picking up" Sara says, worried all over her face.

"We are also trying Sara but I couldn't connect" Pompy says sighing

But robert without saying anything, like a storm runs towards the basement, Sara and Pompy also runs after him,

*basement is Robert's office*

Robert clicked on a button on the keyboard and in a moment came on a screen, the screen showed a deep, dense, dark forest and there was a shadow lurking around and it seemed that it was checking the car out.

Martha had put a mini button camera on the windscreen which was connected with Robert's software so from where Martha's car stood, the view of the forest was visible  time to time, the face of a hooded stranger was lurking on the video.

"Martha's car in a forest?" Sara exclaims

"I think she followed the girl" Pompy says

'But where is she?' Robert thinks and grumbles then turns on another monitor, in that monitor, a room with very dim light came to focus.

The pony Martha had did and the rubber band with which she tied the hair was a very powerful device that she invented with Samantha when they worked in the laboratory.

In the gadget were various mini chips and a micro camera which can be zoomed to 50x times with clear view from any phone or device to which it is connected.

She has given the same code between monitor and gadget. This was Martha's biggest invention, just like Sara one time when her brother Daniel built a watch but today Daniel had become the king of some other world and was not in contact with Sara.

Then Sara, for Robert, had built the same watch. 

Robert zoomed the camera and this room looked like a demolished palace of some kind.

"Oh god! Martha is in danger" Pompy says

"Then let's go" Robert says to Pompy then says "Sara you stay near the monitor" then Robert grabs Pompy and runs like a horse.

Robert turns on his GPS and looks at Martha's location.

"Pompy let's go to Songa Forest" Roberts says

Pompy flinches and looks at Robert, "you heard that right, now let's go"

Now pompey got more worried for Martha because he knew what type of trouble Songa was and his heart beat increased then they started the car and headed off.

Their car was running at full speed on the road

*Everyone knew the Songa forest is called Black forest or death forest*

Here, Martha's eyes open in the room and she becomes more aware of her surroundings after a full blurry minute but grabs her head because her head was still hurting but what she saw in front of her, got her chilled to her spine.


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