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Today was a full moon light,

A white shadow was puzzled, it was  swinging here and there.

Suddenly a figure appeared who stepped towards the fort. He was David. He wore white suit and sky colour shirt with white tie. A pair of white shoes could be clearly seen in the moonlight.  

David was wandering in the abandoned fort,

He was searching for that girl who saved his life. He was searching from one hour but he didn't get the place from where that girl saved his life,  

A cold breeze started blowing, that white shadow became more uncomfortable.

Suddenly,  David remembered that a strange girl had always been being seen on the high top of the tower..

He went towards the higher place and tried to see the tower. Then he saw the tower. There were only four towers in good condition and the rest were derelicted.

The white shadow stalked him.

A narrow lane was running towards the tower.  David took the lane. It was an extremely narrow  lane, surrounded by spiny bushes, herbs and shrubs. It seems that nobody ever goes there. He arrived at the bottom of the tower.

He raised his head, it was too long and a high tower.

"How will I arrive at the top?" he murmured to himself.

His eyes started to search for the way to reach the top.

Then he saw several Iron ring like shapes all around the tower.  David got in the way, he clutched one ring and used it as a ladder. He used one by one and at last he arrived at the top of the tower.

The white shadow till vanished, but David was unable to see him.

When David arrived at the top of the tower.  He was surprised, there were eight small pillars present,  they seized the top place of the tower with a roof. Beside it,  there was nothing.

He was disappointed,

He was so tired, so for support he kept his left  hand on the wall and right hand was on his waist. 

 But suddenly He got startled,

 The brick moved, he moved his hand and looked at that place, He knocked the brick and felt that the brick was empty.

He took out his mobile and switched on the mobile light, then he saw that there were many carvings on the wall, one of the carving illustrated a dancing girl on the brick but all were the same colour except one side. It was colourless and was shaking when touched.

He pushed the colourless brick which had the carving, it embedded inside and the wall moved from its place just  like a door.

Then he saw a long staircase which was running down, so he went downstairs, after a few seconds he was in a hallway. 

This hallway was clean and  there was a door on the wall. He heard utensils clanging, it was coming from a distance.

He followed the sound and stepped towards it. After that, he saw that there was a small room whose door was opened and the sound was coming from that side.

He peeped inside and saw,

A girl was cooking but her back was towards him. David stood at the door and watched her,

She was busy cooking, she couldn't see how long David stood there.

 Then suddenly she turned back and screamed. She looked at him with her wide eyes.

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now