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Until now, Anika was awake. She didn't sleep. Again and again, a question was  striking her mind,

from where did that silhouette entered into the basement? 

She stood from the chair and kept it aside in the room and stepped towards the door. She opened the door and saw the hallway. It was silent and empty. 

Perhaps Ella and Mike had not come from the party, they went for the party in the evening.

 She came out from the room and spun around her head. All the servants went to their quarters,

slowly she  moved towards the stairs and looked at Milana's room. It was also dark. It means it was the best chance to check the basement. 

She looked to the right and left side of herself and moved ahead towards the door of the basement. That was opened. She flinched,

"How is it opened?"  She murmured to herself,  

she pushed the door, the door opened towards the inside without making any noise.  There were down stairs but due to darkness, she couldn't see anything.

She took out the mobile phone,and turned on the light. Now the stairs were clearly visible.  She moved ahead through the stairs, and within a few seconds she arrived at the bottom. 

She started searching the switch board, she moved ahead with the help of the wall and she saw a broken switchboard at the corner of the room. She immediately stepped towards the switch and turned on the keys one by one, but the light was not turned on. 

"May be, it's a default in the board "  she convinced to herself and looked around herself,

It was a very old basement, there was  waste and disposable things spreaded all over the room, but it's condition was good, it was not very damaged. She started knocking the wall with the help of her right hand. She started patting the wall. She felt all the walls were solid.

In such a way, she wandered all over the room, at last she arrived at the place from where that killer shadow vanished. It was under the stairs.

She bowed and arrived at that place and knocked at the wall. She was startled, its appearance was hollow. She searched all over the wall.

Suddenly, she saw a flower pot was on the wall. She touched the pot, she felt the pot was moving. She held it and started rotating and very strangely the flower pot rotated 360 degrees at an angle.


A sound appeared, she startled and moved  two steps back. She saw the wall moved from its place like a door,

She gradually stepped towards the door, she was completely confused and curious. She peeped out inside the hidden door, there was darkness inside it.

She focused with the help of her phone light and her eyes became wide. It was a long narrow lane which was running through a long way. She frowned. But she had no way beside that she would enter into the narrow lane.

 She made herself strong and entered into the hidden way then looked at the wall which made up on the both side of the lane, she looked at the wall, there were many iron bangles like shapes were hanging,   

"What's that?" she looked at the iron bangles and murmured to herself.

She continued moving ahead. She looked at the roof which was decorated but it was completely darkness in the further way, she was moving ahead then suddenly staggered, to protect herself she held a bangles and suddenly something happened that she didn't realize, it was that the whole lane lightened.

"Wow, it's amazing"  she thought to herself, she looked at the wall, it had been carved. 

Walking for ten minutes, she arrived in front of the door, which was also made up of an iron sheet. A big iron rod trapped in between the two handles which were in both flaps of the door.

She took out the iron rod, and the door opened. She went outside of the door. She was extremely surprised, there was a highway. When she turned back and looked at the place from where she came from, it was a small, damaged, derelict room which was completely covered with fungi and lichens.

She looked at the highway, rarely vehicles passing through this way. Some of them looked at her extremely surprised.

Anika spun around her head and she turned back towards the door, entered inside and she closed the door.

She again came on the way through which she went, at last she came back to the basement, suddenly she thought something and again caught the iron bangles. Whatever she guessed, it became true, the light of the hidden way turned off.

Again she tugged the iron bangles, the light turned on and leaving it turned off. At last, she rotated the flower pot, the wall came into its previous position, it seemed that no door was there.

She huffed, then started climbing the stairs, she came out from the basement and closed the door. But she didn't know a pair of eyes stared at her and was surprised.

Anika hurriedly walked towards her room. She entered and closed the door.

A pair of eyes sighed and took out his phone, messaging to someone.

Now Anika completely understood, she doesn't know many secrets of this house.

This house was bought by her husband but after purchasing he did a lot of renovation work , maybe it had been made by him.

Until now, she confirmed, the silhouette came from the highway, but how does the silhouette know this way?

 Who was he?

Why is it following them?

A chill ran through all over her body, she remembered what happened in the Mantino palace. Her whole family went into the lap of death.

This incidence passed and after fifty year how could it be possible?

Mantino palace was cursed, but this house? It is not haunted. Due to curse, she disposed Mantino palace, she also transfered Mike and Ella to the hostel, but what about this house? How it could be cursed?

Mrs Anika was surrounded by many questions, she was trapped in the network of the questions.

Was it any human? But the eyes of that silhouette were as like diamond. What was that?

She confirmed that in Mantino palace,  a white silhouette wandered all over the palace but whatever she saw at last night, it was a black silhouette.

Both are different?

Sleep had gone from her eyes, she doused in deep thought but she decided, she would contact with Robert, he would looked at the matter.

At first, she sent message to him but he was busy, he couldn't reply his message. Now, again she did it and started waiting for his reply.

Came a sound........

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now