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Sara peeped out, through the eye hole. Nobody was outside. She turned back and came near to  the monitor to watch who was outside,

The small monitor was hanging on the wall besides the door of the kitchen soo that she could easily see, if anybody would come at the main door.  But she couldn't see anyone on the outside on the monitor.

She got alerted, maybe an invader, she ran towards the basement, pushed the door and entered, immediately she got down through the stairs and arrived at the bottom.

Now she stopped and came near to the big screen like a monitor, started the monitor, which was also connected with Robert's wrist watch.

She started the monitor, but it didn't show anything about Robert but the external view of her house was clearly seen. She stared at the monitor, now she pushed a blue button, the view on the monitor changed and it showed the view of the main door, which was empty.

Then, suddenly the main big gate of her house opened,

Sara was startled, right upper corner of the monitor started blinking,  which indicated that someone was on the main gate. She used the mouse and clicked its left button, the view changed on the monitor, it started showing the big black main gate.

She looked at the monitor, a bike entered. Seeing this  Sara took a deep breath and huffed. It was Robert.  Seeing it, she turned off the monitor and got back towards the stairs. She got up through the stairs and came outside from the basement.


She understood, Robert got back, suddenly footsteps appeared at the door and the doorbell screamed. Sara again looked at the monitor which was in the hallway, hung on the wall.

She relaxed, Robert and Pompy were at the door. Immediately, she ran towards the door and opened it. Robert and Pompy smiled.

Sara tightly hugged Robert, her eyes were tearing. Pompy said bye and went out, he understood Sara freaked out about Robert, so he left him alone. As he escaped with his bike, a young girl about to late twenty started following him. She had bike gear up.

"Why didn't you call me?"  Sara sobbed and asked the question.

Robert came inside and shut the door,  Sara stuck with his wide chest still. Robert let her sit on the couch and rubbed her tears dry.  He also sat beside her, then caught her chin and slightly raised, peeped out her eyes.

"Dear baby, it was urgent work, so we were stuck in the headquarter, as soon as we became free, we left and came back" Robert said with honey and soft voice.

"But where is your watch?" Sara asked excitedly,

"Oh, actually, when I was about to leave, I collided with the pillar, so the watch broke, I kept it in the headquarter."

"Oh, god! Did you get hurt!"

"No my cutie, don't panic, I am alright"  Robert lied.

"Oh, thank god, I freaked out,"  saying Sara again hugged him, her head was on his chest and said" I will stand by you, whatever happens"  then she looked at Robert.

Robert patted her shoulder. He was lying because he didn't want to made her frightened,  But he understood Sara would catch his lie, but he worried about the incident, who could do it?

Pompy arrived at his home, now it started raining heavily with thundering. Martha was also worried.  She was in the balcony, But as she saw Pompy, she relaxed, she was wandering at the balcony. She saw,  Pompy entering the gate, he parked his bike at the porch and took a step towards the door. Before he called the doorbell, Martha opened the door. Pompy was completely drenched, he stood at the door with a north-south wide smile.

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