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Then Martha brought a DC electrical machine and there was a small needle poking out of the machine and so Martha kept the needle in such a position so that the needle and the blood were in contact and started the machine.

As soon as the machine was turned on, there was a slight vibration in the blood then the result came positive.

Martha and Sara were continuously looking at the monitor. After about one hour the blood started disappearing and the black liquid started growing.

After a few minutes, everything stopped and the blood completely disappeared.

After this practical Sara and Martha got hope and understood one thing and that was the role of heart in this. Whatever microorganisms were in the black liquid, it depended on the vibrations for growing.

But they couldn't understand what was the use of such microorganisms in the human body and their practical was still left and undone. When he is alive the heart is vibrates but the heart has been taken out  from the body and vibration will stop then what will be the use of the heart after death and without beats?

This question is rotating in both of mind

Living heart is required for the increasing of the organism but what about the beatless heart , what was its purpose?

It was about 10:36 of the night when Robert and Albert had reached Mantino's palace (abandoned fort) and since the time that man had escaped from Robert's clutches, he had put pompy on duty around here for any suspicious movement.

But he was tired during searching the place so Today Robert and Albert came and they had sent Pompy home. 

Both went nearer to the tower,Albert stayed at the bottom of the tower while Robert went at the top of the tower and peeped through the hidden stairway leading down.

Robert was shocked when he saw the same man crouching down and looking at a paper. So Robert tiptoed quietly to the man and covered him. 

"HANDS UP, Don't try anything smart" Robert said while pointing a gun at him.

The man flinched and got alert.

"Hands up I said" Robert yelled again.

When suddenly the man jumped back and the man's shoes hit Robert's stomach which Robert was not at all expecting and he fell back.

The man was standing in front of him and Robert's gun was no longer in his hands. When suddenly Robert hit the man's legs and toppled him. The man fell face first on the ground. Maybe the man was also not expecting this.

Robert jumped on the man's back and the man writhed in agony. Robert took the man's hand back and handcuffed him. 

"Whatever I am going to ask, you have to answer it truthfully" Robert said in a threatening tone but the man stayed silent.

Then Robert Dragged the man and sat him on a chair and he himself also sat on a chair.

"Ok, little one my name is Robert and what is your name boy"

"Roberrrrt?" The man's mouth was wide open

"Can you close your mouth?" Robert joked

Then the man said who actually was 00x, Winter's agent, told a clear and neat lie.

"what is your name ?" Robert asked

" Ethane Brigenza"

"what are you doing here ?"

He said that he was here to click very rare picture and sell it at high prices to newspapers and magazine and that he is very poor.

Robert raised his brows and said

"Oh little one, your clothes don't look like you sell clothes"

The man smiled and said "If I don't dress up like this then no one would even touch my photos let alone buy them"

"Good reason but tell me how you reached there" 

"Told you I like to click photos of rare things and when one day I saw this, I entered"

"Man, looks like you're not an easy thing and won't open your mouth that easily, come with me"

Robert took him down and brought him to his car where Albert was waiting for him and they both set off.

They entered a place where there was big board that said 'RESTRICTED AREA'

They both stopped there where there was a small broken palace, 00x looked around and flinched when Robert spoke.

"Don't worry, I won't send you up though"

Then they both stopped down and reached the abandoned place.


Sara and Martha left the slide on the same table and wrote their notes and they didn't know when the moonlight had came near their window and it was shining on the table and the DC machine was still on, maybe Martha had forgot to turn it off.

When suddenly the black liquid started some type of movement when it came in contact of moonlight and when the light shone on it, it started contracting and started decreasing. 

After writing the notes, Martha and Sara packed up when Martha's vision went to the slide. And she frowned

"Where is that black liquid?!" Martha said staring at the slide

Hearing her Sara also turned and look at the slide and saw that the black liquid is somewhat gone, most of it was.

They both were shocked

"why did this happen?" Said Sara.

"Because of climate change?" Martha said

"But there is no climate change!" Sara said but suddenly Martha looked at the window.

"Sara….. Moonlight!" 

"What? I know it's full moon night" 

"No! I mean moonlight" 

Then Sara looked at the window and she gasped

"OH MY GOD!" she said 

It seemed that both of them had found a hidden treasure

"Right! All the murders had been happening on the moonlight!"

"Fine we'll start again" Martha said and went to grab a specimen

And again they did the same arrangement and passed the DC current, they saw this time that only a small dot was left instead of a black liquid

"What is this" Martha gasped

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