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Robert told Pompy to search the address that he got from Nick's sister Lina. 

Robert knew that the address can be fake but he still thought maybe even a little bit of clue would be helpful to the group.

Pompy has now searched three neighbourhoods but he still can't find the address.

 He looked at the time and saw the time was 2:30 in the afternoon. And now his stomach was rumbling and growling with hunger and his hope was also lost. He decided to look at a place for the last time. 

He went to a fruit seller and asked about the address.

 But Pompy didn't know whether it was his luck or bad luck and the seller pointed to his right alley and he went to the place pointed.

The alley was a little dark, no living entity was present there not even a rat. Pompy felt his instincts screaming danger but he kind of ignored it.

He pushed the button present on one of his buttons of his shirt and that button was a mini camera and audio.


Robert was sitting in his office when suddenly the machine attached together with his laptop started blinking. Robert flinched and got shocked.

He quickly turned on his laptop and saw Pompy going into a dark alley.

"What is he doing there?" 

Robert thought, then he saw a shadow lurking in front of Pompy but because the alley was dark so he could not see it properly. 

"Welcome my dear guest"

The shadow was wearing a long cloak like cloth and black in color. 

"Who are you?"  Pompy asked.

"Shhhh…..don't bother speaking, my dear"  That tall shadow spat.

"What do you want?"

"Ugh,...... you speak too much, I don't like the noise"


Pompy marked that tall shadow raised his hand and did some movement.


Pompy knew what happened then he sprung up and jumped to the previous end of the alley, from where he came inside  and then ran out, he came outside of the alley, 

 but the last thing he heard from his back was. 


Someone shouted and it was a girl. 

And many footsteps resonated but he ran and he saw the fruit seller had also disappeared and when he turned back,  here, saw four men in black clothes who were running after him and their faces were also covered.

Pompy ran to his bike because he had parked his bike very far. He started his bike and ran,  it forwarded but then his right arm suddenly had a white hot pain, he gasped and saw that a bullet had touched his arm.

It was dripping of blood, he somehow arrived at home, seeing him Sara ran towards him and held him,  Robert helped too.

"What happened?" Sara was puzzled.

"I met with a beautiful death angel" Pompy smiled and said ,

Sara and Robert gave support and he could sit on the couch, Sara brought a first aid box. She saw the bullet touched his arm only so he was still safe. 

"Have you seen it" Pompy asked without caring about his wound

"Yes,come" saying this, Robert stepped towards the basement, Sara and Pompy followed him.

*Basement is a office"

 Robert  took his chair in front of the computer,  Sara also joined them, they were watching the video clips carefully.


"Pause,"  Sara said 

 "What is this?"  Robert paused at once and looked at Sara

"Wait a minute"  Sara stared at the silhouette.

They saw that silhouette took out a small weapon,  it was made up of Wooden ply, she triggered a small piece of wood which is attached beneath it and it created a  sound "pit"

"Pompy, tell me one thing, did you see any weird things there ?" Sara asked

"I didn't remember " he clutched his forehead.

"Any fragrance, insects, or needle… .please try to remember"

"Yes, a deep fragrance shattered over there, I felt like I was about to sneeze but I escaped quickly"

"Yes, yes I got it, fragrance, it is a very dangerous thing, it is not here, it  is present in Sinkona valley"

"Sinkona valley!  What is the connection between fragrance and the Sinkona valley?" both Robert and Pompy were startled, 

They knew the place of SINKONA valley. It is deep dark during the day time, sunlight never touches the ground. 

"But what is the relation between the shadow and the SINKONA valley"  Robert said 

"We have to find it out"

"Ok, tomorrow I will give you the confirmed result and what is the mystery of death," Sara said with confidence.

"But speak a little about it " Robert said

"It may be  an insect, jelly, fragrance of petals, but here is the fragrance which is more dangerous among these"


"I will tell you tomorrow " saying it Sara again watched the video clip.


Black valley, its name is telling everything, it was the place that death is also afraid to go, very rare people go there only for project or work but 350 days out 365 days, it remains abandoned with some hill grasses and big giant trees which Sized the place


Black valley was covered in the blanket of darkness and in the dark even the big rocks were looking like big giants.

A tall figure was wandering  in the deep darkness at night due to martha.

At first he had doubts but he ignored it, that it was abandoned and what would the connection be between the murder and the person?

But due to Marth's report, he had to chosen the way, the tall figure was Robert.

Today Robert had taken this road because according to Martha, Two people had disappeared between two giant rocks.

And Martha was attacked in this valley too. Robert looked around, his gaze stern,people were right that the black valley is very mysterious. 

He parked his car near a big black rock very far from where he was standing. He looked around and saw nothing but an eerie silence but then he suddenly heard a rustle.

Then the rustle changed into a footstep, he hid behind a rock........

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin