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"May I come in madam?" 

"Yes" a voice rang from the inside of the office. 

Ella stepped in the office, the principal looked at her and smiled. 

"Congratulations Ella" the principals voice resonated in the room. 

Ella got bewildered and looked at her principal. 

"Why is that ma'am?" She asks. 

"First sit and I'll tell you" the principal replies smiling. Ella pulls the chair and sit down and subsequently looks at her. The principal looked very happy today and no one knew why. 

Afterwards the principal opens the file in front of her and takes out two envelope, forwards it to Ella. 

"What is this ma'am?" Ella asks surprised as she looks at the envelope and then afterwards at the principal. 

"Open it yourself" the principal, Ms Stiffany, gives a small laugh. 

Ella opens the envelope and starts reading it but just as she finishes reading it, her happiness sky rocketed. 

Surprisingly the first envelope had a letter and the second envelope contained ten thousand dollars. 

The explanation of current event was that when Ella had taken participation for the 'National Photography Awards' and during the happening circumstance, a company named 'Sais enterprises' had chosen her pictures and gave her the letter.

And for the Awards, that she had sent the pictures, had gotten the first prize and now she has to bring the trophy for that. 

This was a dual happiness package for Ella. And the third most important thing was that it her was her school's last year and now her studies were finished. She even have to take her documents for the doctorate degree. 

Today was the biggest day and the happiest one at that for Ellla. Now all she wanted was to go home and live with her mother. 

"Thank you ma'am" saying this she stood up form her chair. 

As soon as she turned back to leave the principal called again for her. 

"Ella wait, please come here for a second" 

She stood still and then turned back saying "yes ma'am?" 

When Ms Stiffany saw that Ella ahd turned back she handed her another envelope and she found that it was her visa and passport. 

"Mrs Anika told me to give these, she wants you to go London" 

"What? London!" 

"Yes London? Why, didn't Mrs Anika tell you anything about it" 

Ella grasped the visa and passport tightly in her hands and without saying anything left the room. 

Mrs Stiffany watched Ella turn around and leave.


Ella came back home and started packing her things up, she was determined that she will go to her mother's house. 

She called Daisy but she didn't pick up the phone so assuming she was in her classes, Ella just texted her but she didn't get any reply to her message too. 

When all of a sudden, she looked at the room beside her. She wanted to meet Elina who lived in the room next to her but she couldn't find Elinsa anywhere. She even called her but the phone was switched off. 

Ella snapped and cut the phone. She took her things and came down.

There, Mina, Manthon, Roma, Sara, Haru were standing and waiting for her but she couldn't see Daisy anywhere. All of the present individuals were there for Ella's farewell. Everyone hugged each other and were very sad.

Ella too was sad to leave but it had to happen some day and so with a sad face she sat in the car which she had called while she was upstairs.

Ella's car was running towards the airport but only one question lingered in her mind,

'Why does mom want to send me to London, why can't I live with her'

Anika had even sent her son, Mike somewhere far from her. 

But what Ella didn't know was that Mike had returned home a long ago without her knowing.

Suddenly Ella got bewildered because she saw a black car chasing her. At first she thought it was her thinking too much and removed the thought form her mind but soon she realized that the car was indeed following her because whenever her car slowed down, the black car would also slow down but when her car sped up, the black car would do the same.

After about half an hour, Ella reached the airport and she saw that the car black car stood at a distance and no one came out nor went in. Ella shook her head and gave the rent for the car, afterwards she headed for her flight.

Just as she entered inside the airport, the man sitting inside the black car with his face covered, called someone, spoke and then turned his car to the opposite edification to head out.


It was about seven o’clock when Ella was standing at the doorway, she grinned at the thought of living with her mom. 

Ringing the door bell of the house and after a little while, the door opened and Ella barged inside with her luggage with happiness but whatever she saw inside, she got the biggest shock of her life.


David was trying to find the way to escape from the clutches but he could no means for him to get out. He somehow opened the door but stood still for a second and then sighed loudly because as he watched the big wall that stood with its might behind the door so as he opened the door, he discovered the wall.

Because this was a fake apartment which was built on the order of the Black Eagle. While looking from the outside, it looked like a normal apartment and it even had a door but fake because it has to look like an apartment but every way built there was just for showcase and there was only one way for entry that on one can figure it out except for Robert and that way was the wardrobe which 00X had long gave up after trying to pry it open.

After trying everything, David gave up and sat on the chair.


Here, whatever she saw in the hallway blew her mind…..

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