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"Yes please" Tick, shook his hand with the stranger, who claimed that he was Mr Zendal. 

"Actually officer,  I have a business of cloths and recently I heard about the blue moon restaurant murder mystery and I have an information, it may be helpful for you to some extent"

"What information?" Tick got shocked 

"On the day of murder,  I had taken my kids to the restaurant because I always did it on the holiday, on that day, as usual we went and I was going about to park my car, a girl came infront of my car, she fell down. Immediately  we got down to see the girl but the girl was fine, only she was limping" Mr Zendal said 

"The girl asked me  for help and I helped her to arrive at the gate. The gatekeeper asked for the pass, she said that she had forgotten it somewhere, so I helped her to get inside, but when we got inside she suddenly stood up straight  and excused herself, after a while she vanished.

"What happened then?" tick asked 

"Then she walked to a table and sat down. She was wearing the costume which was the theme of the function and had the masquerade mask on but my son has clicked a photo of her which may help you"

"Where is the photo? '' Tick got excited, he saw a beam of light in the dark night, Mr Zendal gave his phone to Tick, Tick was staring at her instantly.

 The girl was very fair and she was wearing a long black ball gown. Tick transferred the photo to his own laptop and thanked the man.

"Wait, who was she sitting with?" Tick asked stopping the man 

"uhh the same man whose photo you have put up on the newspaper with the dead body" the man replied 

"Franky?" Tick got silent and said thank you again to the man and man smiled and went away 

This was the same girl who could not be seen because the light was very low on the CCTV cameras in the hallway.

But no one knew who destroyed the CCTV cameras on the hallways.

And the doubt would be that a person from the inside might be with her..

Somewhere else, 

Here Robert knocked on the door and he checked the address again that Tick gave him and this was the house of Jason who worked in a hospital. 

When a woman opened the door. "Yes?" the woman on the door asked so Robert showed his card to the woman.

"uh yes how can I help you sir" the woman said staring at his card 

Then Robert said "I want to ask some questions about Jason"

"Yes, please come in"  saying that the woman got aside so that Robert could enter the room.

Robert saw the whole room, it was a nice decorated room.

A blue coloured carpet was spreaded on the floor. A nice piece of costly furniture was kept on the carpet. A big flower pot stood at the corner of the room. The wall was decorated with tendril plants.

It seemed Jason was fond of plants.

"Since when did Jason work at the hospital"

"For the past five years"

"Any  weird thing about him before he went missing?" 

"uh yes he was so happy and said we will be rich soon "

"How? "

"I don't know "

"Any other weird things? "

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now