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This was a tall and broad man who walked off towards one direction.

 Robert started following the man. The man went towards the place and stood at a place.

 On looking,  Robert saw there was a car and the man went inside the car so Robert also sat in his car and drove off following him. 

Robert had turned off his headlights and then he saw that the man's car had stopped in front of an abandoned and derelicted palace. 

Robert was shocked.

He had heard about this palace a lot but never seen it from own two eyes. 

"What is this man going to do in this type of place so late at night?"  Robert asked himself. 

Robert had parked his car far from the place so that nobody could see him and he started following the man when the man got out of the car and started walking. 

The man had also hid his car behind a rock because finding big rocks in this type of place was common.  Then the man moved his way across the littered rocks on the ground in the dark night. 

Then Robert saw the man took a narrow lane, which was dangerous and filled with spiny bushes, tendrils and climbers.

He stood at the bottom of the tower raised his head and climbed with the help of an iron ring. He was going inside a tower. Robert followed him, as he did and he got shocked!

There was no door inside it and not even a way out. Robert's mind's bell started ringing.

"Hmm...there must be a secret tunnel or way here."

Robert thought, 

He started  banging the floors and walls. 

 Suddenly, he saw a carved wall that looked strange. He knocked at the wall,  it seemed hollow and he also noticed that the wall was shaking a little. 

He turned on his flashlight that all the figures and carvings were colourful except for that one which was white.

Robert started poking it but nothing happened but then he pushed the figure and got shocked that the figure was going in. It was being pushed in by Robert and as soon as the figure was pushed.

 Robert could see a flight of stairs leading downstairs carefully.

And then he soon found himself in a hallway but suddenly he heard a noise from behind him. Robert understood that someone was coming so he hid himself behind a pillar. This person is a man in his late 20s who was busy and in his own world walking forward but suddenly he stopped and quickly he started running from where he came.

As soon as the man did this, Robert understood that the man had found out that somebody was hiding here so Robert also ran after him.

And in a blink of an eye that man disappeared into the darkness and by the time Robert came down he heard the starting of an engine. Robert understood that he failed to catch this guy.

Robert also started his car and rammed on the accelerator. As he was leaving, he could not help but remember the abandoned palace and the things that happened.

And now he started wondering why there would be a secret passage.

The same white shadow came from behind the rocks floating, the shadow squinted their eyes and frowned. 

Robert was irritated because that man had ran away but many question struck his mind,

" Why was that man wondering in the deep dark night in an abandoned fort ? 

"What did he want?"

"Why did he come from Black valley?"

"Is there any relation between the abandoned fort and the black valley?"

In the whirlpool of the question his house came, he parked his car.

Robert went inside the house. Sara was waiting  for him.

"What happened, where did you come from this late at night?" Sara asked while taking off his coat.

"Today I found a new lead in the case"

"Really, that's great! What is it though"

"The abandoned fort or Mantino palace  and Black valley are related with each other.  Both are related to this case"


"Yes"  then Robert told all fact to Sara


Sara remembered one thing, at once she said,

"Wait…. what did you do to Lola"

"Well she, I handed her to Mr. Tick"


"How far did you get in the experiment"

"..... a little more effort and it will be a…. success"

"Really then please give the result"


Then Sara went to grab the dinner she made and they both ate while watching TV.

At night, 

Robert was busy on his computer and searched up Mantino's palace.

In the magazine, he read about Mantinos palace. He got many rumors from an article which was published in the megazine. 

He heard about it, that derelicted, Abandoned palace was haunted.

He found out that the abandoned palace is haunted and that many people had died here and people had also seen a white shadow there whenever that white shadow was seen someone would die there.

And this palace belonged to 

Anika sanyal but nobody knows why she left this place.

It was two in the morning and everything was silent. When suddenly 


The sound came as if something or someone dropped. Robert's eyes opened and he had just gotten into bed at 1:30. Sara was fast asleep so,he took out his gun and stood near his bedroom door and the sound was coming from the roof.

Click! click!

The sound was coming from his roof which means that someone was trying to open the roof door. So Robert went out and locked Sara's room door with a code.

Robert slowly went to the roof's door and perked his ear for a noise but everything was silent on the other side and no noise was coming. After about 20 minutes when no sound came, he went to his basement.

He turned on his monitor and his guess was right,

 The intruder had attacked the cameras first. So he couldn't see anything on the monitor.  Robert again then went to the roof's door and stood there for any sound that may come but nothing but silence responded to his question. 

Robert thought that opening the door wouldn't be the wisest decision. Again he waited for another half an hour but nothing happened then looked at the clock and found that it's four in the morning so Robert went straight to his room and unlocked the door, falling straight on his bed and falling asleep.


Tick had gotten the autopsy report of every dead body and he saw that everything was the same and then suddenly he thought of the nail thing and he took out its reports but he was shocked to see……

To be continued

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now