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QM 32

This was a very grand hall which was Robert's underground basement. All the chairs were filled because today they were very serious about this case

Robert broke the silence by saying "ok pompy, today we will discuss the case leads from the beginning" pompy nodded. 

"All right today we will pick Nick's case first" 

All the people present there, Robert, Martha, Sara, Albert, started taking sips of their coffee and listened what was being said with focus. Pompy said 

"First comes Nick's case who is the son of the business mogul Boston, a billionaire but there was no snake chain necklace on his neck" 

Robert hummed and said "ok next" 

Pompy continued "the next case comes on Mrs Clark whose son  Monero and he had a snake necklace that was found on his body" 

Robert nodded and beckoned for him to continue, 

Pompy said "next well move on to the S.K.M hospital's ward of Jason and there was snake gold necklace found on his body too", pompy then stopped to take a sip of his own coffee and then continued 

"Now comes the case for Mr shyan who had no interest in girls but hundreds of girls were his fan and loved him" 

Robert hummed and nodded 

"And the second last case comes of Mr. Scott  son of mr Franklin who was also a business tycoon and a billionaire, and there was no snake gold chain found on his neck and the last case is Mr. Franky who is the son of Mr. William" 

When suddenly Sara spoke up "I think there are two types of cases here, one where the dead body does not have the necklace and the next where the dead body does have the necklace and the dead body that does not have the snake necklace does not belong on the business list but for the poor family" 

"You're right Sara" Albert said 

"People who does not have the gold chain are from the billionaire family but those who  have are from the poor family" 

When Albert started speaking further "those who are billionaire,we can understand the reason for murder but the poor? What have they done, the poor's case is quite tricky!" 

Robert chose the moment to speak up "that's right, so now there's a task for you all" 

Everybody started to stare at Robert with eyes that held curiosity, Robert then looked at Albert. 

"Albert you are going to stay with me and we need to find more about the history of these people and Pompy, you do one thing, those business mogul who are dead, find out their background from any source you can find whether that be paper, magazine, media, anywhere! I just want them." 


"Yes may be some chain have broken"

Pompy then said "ok sir!" 

Robert then said "nuh-uh, no Pompy, not sir that makes me feel old" 

"Ok boss" pompy cheerfully said 

"Nuh-uh pompy, not boss either, that makes me feel old too" 

"Fine Mr. Robert!" Pompy then exhaled and chuckled 

"Maybe I am getting old even though I only in my late twenties" Robert sighed 

"I mean no that's not what I meant! Mr Ro- I mean Robert, that's not what I meant" pompy started rambling 

Robert then chucked at him and pompy felt his cheeks heat up and he looked away 

'God why did I do that? I totally embarrassed myself in front of the boss! I am an idiot!

The whole team started laughing and pompy rubbed the back of his head. 

Then Pompy took Martha and went out to fulfill the task given to them. 

Then Robert looked at Sara and by that time their coffee was finished and said 

"Sara can I get one more cup of coffee?" 

Sara knew that this workaholic will finish 4 or 5 cups of coffee and was fully prepared so she went the kitchen poured the coffee and gave it to Robert. Robert looked at weirdly wondering how she made the coffee in just one minute but Sara just looked at him and smiled. Sara had bought coffee for Albert too. 

"Won't you have a cup too Sara?" Robert asked 

"No" Sara replied and sat down. 

The Robert said "Now tell me about your report Sara" 

Sara got up and went to a cupboard and opened it, after taking out a blue file she opened it and sat down and started speaking 

"You all might not have noticed something" 

Robert and Albert looked at her curiously and said 

"And what would that be?" 

Then Sara said " these all murder whether that'd be of mogul or poor has happened in full moonlight. Look at the date carefully. According to forensic report, these murders took place on full moonlight" 

Hearing this Albert frowned and started thinking.

"Maybe you're right, according to the forensic report, the date on which the murders took place it was a full moonlight" Albert said 

Robert said "maybe you're right but what could be the connection of moonlight with the murders? You also wanted to say 'Vampire !"

"(laugh)…..That's what we need to find, but we got a confirmed observation"

"What's that !" Robert chuckled

Then the three of them started discussing something in a low voice. 


The hall was very big with historical vases decorating the place, there were some paintings too and the beautiful carvings on the wall made it look like the king's throne room. The beautiful and big chandelier hung from the ceiling, the floor was beautifully covered with red carpet and on a wooden furniture with beautiful carvings and in one of those beautiful furniture sat a very beautiful girl and her brown hair flowed down to her side. 

Her eyes that glowed even in the dark looked scary and ruthless. She wore a veil which hid her face only showed her eyes. 

She wore a long flying black dress that looked mysterious. Her one hand was on the arm of the chair and it was covered with the black dress only the palm was out and it was so beautiful, it looked like she has never done any thing. On her ring finger she wore a snake shaped ring. Her nails of all five fingers were big and were also glowing weirdly. 

In front of her a girl who had her in front of her in a pledge manner was bowing down. 

"Till where have you reached?" 

A soft voice flowed from the masked woman. She was Winter.

The girl bowing down said "near his heart" softly in a respecting manner.

"Good! I had hoped you could do it. All right, you go, W01 is waiting for you"

"Ok, Winter" she leaned her head and went outside.

"W01….why?" that girl murmured to herself.

She knew w01 came only in urgency, then today?

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now