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David got a message on his phone. He huffed, his guess was right, the sender was Python.

He asked about the drives and the tiny buttons.

Actually at morning David had forgot to answer him,

So, he texts the message to him.

He knew Python didn't like to delay any work.

He started to message him.


At night,

Shyan, son of Mr Klint who was the friend of Mr Boston, was walking out of a club because he was late for going  home because he had to attend a meeting.

While he was walking towards his car, he saw, 

A shadow crossed from the beside of his car, but his car was too far, so he could not see who it was. 

Shrugging it off, he started his car and forwarded it on the road.

While going he turned on the music inside the car. 

After a  few minutes,

He left the highway and caught a narrow lane because it was a shortcut.

He was very late tonight and he wanted to go home soon.

And whenever he used to  get late after attending a meeting, he would  always use this road.

After going in suddenly,


He had to stop his car for there was a person standing in the middle of the road.

He saw a black figure  that stood in the middle of the road.

"What the heck is it?"

He honked, but that figure didn't move. He honked thrice a time but the result was the same.


Shyan screamed from his car and he saw the person  slightly move but didn't leave.

 First Shyan wanted to go home as soon as possible and second this person was moving out of the road and so his blood boiled.

Then he  pushed the car door open and started storming towards the stranger. 

"If you want to die so much! Then why my car? Just go to the damn highway!!" Shyan screamed again 

"sorry it's just that my leg is hurt so I couldn't walk"

A soft and beautiful voice rang in the silence of the night and Shyan figured out the the person standing was a female so he calmed down, controlled himself and softly said,

"Uh, who are you and what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I was just going ah-" she said but whimpered in pain and started falling down but Shyan catched her before she could fall, she also latched onto him.

Suddenly Shyan started feeling dizzy and he noticed that a sweet fragrance was coming from her.

He picked her up and started taking her to the car and his dizziness was growing second by second and when he set her down he almost fell but quickly held on to the car and sat on the driver's seat but suddenly his world went black.

The girl sat up and smirked, tilting her head.

Then the girl raised her palm and pushed one of her nails and she pricked that nail in his neck.

When suddenly a bike came in front of the car and stopped and two people were sitting on it and both were very tall, almost 6'4 tall.

The man sitting on the back rushed forward and said something to the girl and the girl's eyes widened and she got a shocked expression.

She quickly took out her purse and took out a pink liquid and quickly dropped the liquid in Shyan's neck and Shyan's skin started turning black.

The girl got on the bike and the duo rode off leaving the second person behind. The man stood there and looked around.

Suddenly one more black coloured car came and two people came out of it and took out a big sack.


In a big cave, there was a blue light which was glowing. 

But inside it, there was a big conference hall.Only a blue light was glowing. There was only darkness around the cave.

Three people were sitting inside the cave and it seemed the third shadow was too happy and laughing wholeheartedly also it looked like the shadow was a female.

She was WINTER

Today Winter is so happy, and Python saw her with honey eyes. 

 "You don't need to be so happy" it was H00DY

Hearing this, Winter stopped laughing and started looking at the H00dy, who said it. Then H00dy said 

"Your work is still left", the second shadow nodded agreeing with the first shadow. 

The second shadow was PYTHON, now he was stern and serious. 

The place where they were sitting was like a lavish hall just like a hidden room in the cave.

He stood and stepped towards the table and made the red magma wine, the most expensive wine.

He served it towards Winter and H00dy.

Both thanked him and started sipping, Python also got the wine glass and sat beside Winter.

All whispered about some topic, then after finishing the glass, Python took out his briefcase and kept it on the table.

Then he took out a file and started explaining something to them.


In the city,

It was 7 in the morning and tick's phone screamed and tick flinched taking the call.

As usual he told junior Carlos to take out the car and arrived at the crime scene. The car was in the narrow Lane which would abandon the highway if you take it. 

There was a similar dead body inside the car. 

After searching the car, the team found some documents and driving licence inside it.

 It seemed like the dead body belonged to the great business empire Shyan. Tick frowned because Shyan wasn't a normal person and was the son of Mr klint so he again searched the whole car.

Tick checked the dead body's neck but the snake pendant was not there like he had found in the hospital.

Then the forensic team took the body and left. The strange thing was that they could not find any fingerprints of something, only a strange fragrance. 

Pompy went straight to Mr Boston's house whose younger son Nick had been murdered long ago and when he arrived there he saw Lina,  in the garden and was reading the newspaper and when she saw Pompy she stood up.

"Good morning Mr Pompy, how come you're here so early today?" 

"Ah that….."

To be continued 

Queen Mamba (Novel | Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now