"Oi!" Atsumu grumbled. "Y/N-chan isn't someone you can just-"

"Okay." You hummed, smiling brightly up at Sakusa as Atsumu whipped back to look at you.

"-bribe... Y/N-CHAN! What the heck!" Atsumu huffed, glaring at you with a small pout and hands fisted at his sides.

"Neon yellow and green, let's go!" You smiled, sticking out your tongue with your pinky and index finger up, shaking your hand as well as your head, giggling with Komori when he imitated you.

"Y/N-chan!" Atsumu whined, stopping his pout when spectators turned onto the hallway you were in. "Fine then! I'm revoking our friendship for today... only today!" He huffed, turning around and stomping towards the bathrooms where his brother was coming out of.

"Here." Sakusa said, handing you his tracksuit jacket. "I don't have an extra jersey-"

"I do!" Komori said, interrupting his cousin to rummage through his bag.

"No you don't." Sakusa deadpanned at him, slight annoyance lacing his words.

"Yes, I should." Komori hummed, sticking his hand to the bottom of the bag before taking out a slightly wrinkled Itachiyama jersey. "Ah! Here-"

"It's dirty." Sakusa cut him off, pushing his face away as Komori slightly stumbled to the side, turning to lift a brow at Sakusa.

"It's not!... it's just kinda wrinkled." Komori hummed, turning back to you as he gave you a bright smile. "You can wear this Y/N-chan!"

You gave him a small smile, taking the jersey and slipping it on over your tank top. You pat it down, catching a small whiff of Komori's cologne still on it.

"What cologne do you use, Mo-kun?" You asked, glancing back up at him as he scratched his head.

"I think that one's the one you helped me pick out last time! That blue bottled one."

You nodded, smiling back at him. "I chose well then, it seems like it lasts a while."

"Yeah it does! It wears off..."

You and Komori continued chatting, Sakusa feeling his mood worsen with every passing second. Especially after finding out you had been hanging out with his cousin without him.

"What~ no way!" You giggled, Komori quickly nodding as he lightly laughed.

"Yes way! If it weren't for-"

Sakusa cleared his throat, interrupting Komori and causing both of you to look back at him.

"We should get going before Iizuna-san comes looking for us."

Komori nodded, turning back to fist bump you as he smiled brightly. "I'll look forward to hearing you cheer for me Y/N-chan~"

You lightly snickered, nodding at him with a bright smile as he laughed boisterously.

"I'm gonna get a drink real quick, see you there." He said as he turned towards Sakusa, Sakusa nodded before turning to look at you as Komori jogged away.

"Here." He said, lightly throwing his jacket over you.

"Kiyoomi!" You huffed, lightly giggling when he ruffled your hair over the jacket.

"I'll see you there." He said as he helped you take the jacket off, lightly patting your hair down as you nodded.

"Good luck!"

He hummed, turning away before glancing back and smirking at you. "Thanks."

You puffed out a small laugh, going towards the stands as you slipped into his jacket, happy you were wearing plain black leggings. It helped even out all the highlighter action going on on your upper body.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now