Chapter 21

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As Nathaniel whispered in my ear my phone starts to ring I picked it up and said "hello" my dad answered "Avery what happened are you okay" I quickly pushed Nathaniel away and said "yeah I'm fine I just haven't been getting enough sleep you know".

"No I don't know Avery is that boy Nathaniel distracting you" "what no I I haven't even talked to him" after talking to my dad I hanged up and looked at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel looked I'm my eyes and said "who was that" I smiled and said "don't get jealous Nathaniel" Nathaniel smirked and grabbed my waist "who was it" I rolled my eyes "it was my dad"

Nathaniel looked down and said "do you have a deck of cards" I nodded and Nathaniel smiled "let's go back to school".

After walking for a little bit me and Nathaniel went in my room he locked the door and I grabbed the deck of cards.

I sat on my bed and Nathaniel followed me "what are we doing" "we're going to play a game" "okay what is it" "gold fish" "okay what do we do if we win" "you don't take a piece of clothes off" I widened my eyes "what do we do if we lose all the rounds" Nathaniel looked up at me and looked me straight in the eyes "you'll have to strip" chills went down my back.

Then Nathaniel handed me five cards "I'll start" Nathaniel said "do you have a Queen" I handed him my Queen card "do you have a 9" Nathaniel shaked his head I grabbed a card from the deck and put it put deck.

"Do you have a jack" I rolled my eyes and gave him my card after a while of playing Nathaniel had only one card "do you have a 5" he said with a smirk "what no you cheated" "Avery I don't cheat" I rolled my eyes and handed him my card.

Then I took off my shirt I looked at Nathaniel who was looking at my bra "next round" he yelled we played again and after a while Nathaniel had one card "do you have a king" he said I rolled my eyes and handed him my king card.

I took off my pants while Nathaniel was shuffling the cards after playing Nathaniel once again had one card "Nathaniel you're cheating" "no I'm not,and do you have a ace" I handed him my card and then I took off my bra.

Nathaniel smirked "last round" I rolled my eyes "mhm" "what are you mad that you haven't won a game" "Nathaniel shut up and give me my cards" he gave me my cards.

"Do you have a 3" he said "fuck you you were cheating" Nathaniel shaked his head I didn't say anything and just took off my underwear.

"Strip" Nathaniel said I turned around and walked to him I sat on his lap and kissed him on the lips "you not going to just kiss me" I rolled my eyes "but I don't want yo strip" he grabbed my face "honey that's the thing about life".

I got off his lap and spend him legs apart I grinned my butt between his legs and he threw his head back I turned around and grabbed his face "you have to look at me" Nathaniel smirked and said "yes ma'am" I kissed him gently which turned into us making out.

Then out of a sudden I felt my body go tired I just wanted to go to sleep I slowly backed away from Nathaniel and I whispered "Nathaniel" "mhm" he whispered in my ear "I I want to go to sleep I'm really tired I'm sorry".

He smirked "it's okay darling you can go to sleep" I smiled at him I got my pjs and changed into them when I came out of the bathroom Nathaniel was gone.

I didn't care I just went to my bed and went to sleep.

Guys I kinda wanna do a tiktok account

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