Chapter One

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I hugged my mom and dad goodbye and entered the airport filled with rich, spoiled teenagers I never thought that I-I Avery García will be heading to wisdom academy I know the name is kinda dumb but the school isn't they only accept the best of the best but to go you have to go all the way to England luckily education is very important to my family and of course they let me go. Education isn't the only thing the school likes they of course like money it doesn't matter if you're dumb as long as your parents pay but people like me that actually had to do the work to get in they get to go free.

"Hi" I heard a soft voice say I looked at a girl with reddish hair and light blue eyes she looked short but her high heels made her look tall "hi" I said back "my name is Sadie yours" I smiled and said "Avery Avery Garcia" she smiled and pointed at a group of people "would you like to hang out with us" I don't want to be rude and say no "yeah sure".

I took my suit case and walked behind her "guyyyys this is Avery a friend of mine" I smiled at the fact that she said friend I haven't been here for 20 minutes and I already made a friend "Avery is such a pretty name don't you think Nathaniel" said a short girl with black hair and dark brown eyes "he doesn't care Samantha" said a brunette boy with dark brown eyes then he looked at me "well hey there my name is Finn" I smiled and said "nice to meet you Finn" before anyone could say anything the short girl quickly said "and I'm Samantha and this is my boyfriend" she looked at a tall boy with dark blue eyes and black hair he looked straight at me and then quickly looked away "his not your boyfriend Samantha" Sadie said annoyed "yes he is" Samantha said "no" Sadie got Cut off by the tall guy "just because I ate your pussy once doesn't make you my girlfriend!!" He looked at her straight in the eye which made her look at the floor he looked at me one more time before going to the bathroom.

"So Avery did you pay or do the work" Finn asked in a soft voice "well I guess I worked but school always came easy to me" he nodded and smiled "so I guess you're the only one that worked in this group" I smiled and looked at the floor "where are you from" Sadie asked me "I'm from New York" they all gasped "really how fascinating we're all from Washington" I widened my eyes "so you all knew each other before entering the school" they nodded "we've been child hood friends forever" then everyone got up and headed to the plane

Make me: 18+ smut warning Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora