Chapter 28

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Then I woke up it was a fucking dream but then I realized I can come back I have the power to come back.

I can come back.

So I immediately changed to my uniform and  curled my hair did my makeup and walked in the cafeteria like nothing was wrong with me then I saw Sadie and Finn with Nathaniel and Samantha and Peter.

Sadie waved to me and patted next to her I quickly walked to her and she hugged me "good to have you back" I smiled "you're not high right" Finn asked I laughed "no" then Sadie look at my arms.

Sadie looked at my arms.

"Holy shit Avery did you do that" she said grabbing my arm I quickly pulled it away and said "I have to go to the restroom" fuck Avery your robe dumbass I grabbed it and smoked before going back.

I put my robe on and sat back down everyone looked at me like I was crazy or something Samantha looked at me and said "Imagine cutting yourself because of a guy didn't love".

I snapped and grabbed her hair and slammed her head on the table I didn't care if she was hurt or anything then I walked away my heals hitting the ground clicking again and again "suck my dick bitch" I yelled before closing the cafeteria doors.

That felt good.

During lunch I walked in the cafeteria everyone looked at me I'm guessing cause I have a cigarette in hand I inhaled before sitting down I kept eye contact with Nathaniel proving that I don't give a fuck.

"Avery" Sadie said making me look at her "yeah" "you made Samantha go to the hospital" I laughed "good" I said then Peter looked at me and said "are you fucking crazy you broke her nose"

I smiled and looked at him "that bitch had it coming" I inhaled my cigarette and blew it in his face then I pushed it on the table "you're fucking mental" he yelled "maybe" I said then I got up and walked away but before I closed the doors Peter yelled "I miss the old Avery" "I don't" I yelled before closing the door.

Make me: 18+ smut warning Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora