Chapter two

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Sadie and Finn sat together Samantha sat with one of her friends which left me and Nathanial "can I sit by the window" I asked in a soft kind voice he nodded and took my suitcase I sat down and looked out the tiny window.

After a while Nathaniel said "first time going to England" I nodded and said "how long does it take to get there" "about a day" I widened my eyes "a day" he smiled and said "well maybe a half day I don't exactly know" "well good thing we're in business class" he smiled and looked me straight in the eye I looked at his eyes to they looked kind beautiful not like my boring eyes then he quickly got up and went to the bathroom.

When he came back he looked worried "are are you alright" I asked he nodded looking at the floor "are you sure" "yea yeah I'm fine darling" darling did he just say darling I felt my breathing stop my stomach start tickling I got up and went to the bathroom.

"Come on Avery you're here for education not to sleep with a guy"I told myself then I heard a knock I quickly put water on my face and left the bathroom "hey Avery you alright" I heard Sadie ask from her seat I got on my knees and whispered "what do you do when a boy turns you on" she laughed and whispered back "you masturbate" "what!!" "Well you are on a plane and" i got up and said "no I'm good" she giggled and looked at Nathaniel he looked at her and she winked I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat I saw that Nathaniel put his seat all the way back and had a blanket over him I put my head on the wall and looked out the window.

Night time
I put my seat back rolled up in to a ball I didn't have a blanket because Nathaniel took the only on we have.But then I felt someone get close to me I quickly turned and met with Nathaniel's face.


Umm I'm trying to post as soon as possible but thanks you for reading

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