The desires

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of course you were wonder on how Izuku got home unseen...with how he functions...analyzing everything..he knows how they this pain works...he controls it...and now it's his make things his way...he's out now to only achieve one thing in his horrible life....kill all may think how does one pathetic little quirkless could even replicate even a fraction of his power...simple...he will destroy the foundations of the hero world first...he doesn't know how he'll do it...but he will...all the while he makes those who wronged him to merciful...he just doesn't want to kill them..he want's to break them...until they desire death..he won't give it to them...they'll kill themselves...he will keep them from doing so...he already now has a plan in set...he looks to the otherside of the room...and soon takes down all his all might merchandise 
Izuku: "no point in destroying trash...when you can just give it back to their rats...but not without a price" already he made about 500 pictures and posted them on a website where he can sell them...where he can make a good amount...of course..when it comes to the price..he knows every single items value...he will not be tricked...ever...soon he hears a knock on his door 
"son...are you here?" his mother...
Izuku: "yes i can come in if you wish" 
Inko: 'if i wish?' confused soon she sees the blank and empty spaces on the walls...the flooring...even his shelves are devoid of the items every fanboy wants 
Inko: "Izuku what's going on!?" 
Izuku: "yes?" 
Inko: "your room?" 
Izuku: "nothing to worry about" 
Inko: "your selling them!?" shocked 
Izuku: "is it so surprising?" this is scaring her 
Inko: "i don't...why?" 
Izuku: "you know what happened...the news" now she sees 
Inko: "son i know what they said isn't true but" 
Izuku: "but what...i should keep hoping...knowing it will never happen at all..hoping for just the smallest chance of achieving a dream that i can't have because i wasn't born right...the reason why the world hates me...the reason why dad left!" he yelled at her...he never mentioned his father in such a oversea turn out she divorced him over something he never understand...but he always had a was because of him 
Inko: "Izuku please" 
Izuku: "and there's you" 
Inko: "me?" 
Izuku: "yes...that day..that dreadful fucking day that even my own mother...the who gave birth to this unwanted burden you have..could just say 'i'm sorry'...guess what..i'm listening to the voices..i'm listening to them...and now...i want you out of my room...and make sure your daughter stays the fuck away from me as well...get...out" and soon she could only obey...this has changed him for the worst...
Izuku: "and to top it all off...i'm certain you never knew my birthday...or ever knew i existed...but i do...and i will make people...will start to notice" and he slams the door in front of her making her flinch....she was speechless...she could only cry from this...she saw what he pent up for not just a day...but years!...
Inko: "Izuku..." she could only just stare at the door...she walks away...

Izuku now then looks up materials...ordering them under his fathers name...since he heard he's a big shot in I-islands...the perks of being a get benefits from David shield himself...of course there was the typical question on what he's going to use the materials for...he knows that his sister is striving to be a he wrote down on what he knows about them...
Izuku: "soon it will all fall together..."he looks at his hand...still having some blood stains on it...he could just pass it off as his own...knowing how much he bleeds everyday...his skin calloused and hardened from not just the burns...the ice...the beatings...the cutting...mangling his body become something grotesque...he embraces his image one will love one"....he sees the notification on his will be there in five for now..he will play the waiting game...and will proceed every step of his plan in a delicate ensure it's effectiveness..he he now started training...of course his fragile body has been badly mangled that there was nerve damage in certain parts of his body...more so on his arms and torso...devoid of feeling the pain...he soon noticed that his whole frame has been similar to a swimmer...but it matters he continues on with his routines...he hears a knock on his door...
Izuku opens see his sister...and she flinched seeing him suddenly open the door...
Izumi: "hey" she said...and he remains silent 
Izumi: " said dinners ready" 
Izuku now just looks over see his parents looking from the stairs...then he looks back at her again...
Izumi: " working out?" trying to diffuse the tense atmosphere of course he was...she sees the sweat on him...and recently...
Izumi: "and you had a haircut?" seeing his once long and curly green just a fade...short on the sides but it was still a bit long on the top and it was honestly a nice look for him...showing off his facial structure...seeing how well developed he is...then she noticed the scars on his body 
Izumi: "well..dinner is ready" and in response to her statement...he slams the door in front of her...and she jumped as expected...and she just slowly walks downstairs 
Yagi: "what did he say?" and she stayed silent for a moment 
Izumi: "he's not hungry" and she goes to the kitchen 
Inko then just follows along now....they had been feeling nothing but guilt for the past week..especially since he would only come out to just check the mail and that was it...frankly they don't know what he does...but Yagi was in much deeper trouble....he didn't realize the fatal mistake he did....shattering the boys dream not once...but having it broadcast to the became so popular and infamous it became a new slogan for encouraging discrimination towards the was horrible and he of course had a fight...which never ends well for him...even U.A...where he has him under a black list....monitoring what he says or does when he works...which makes sense...he regrets saying it to him since then... so once they ate their dinner 
Yagi: " about in a bit lets go to Dagobah beach again" 
Izumi: "*sigh* this again" 
"can i come?" they suddenly looked at the door to see Izuku standing there 
Yagi: "well...uh" Inko then glares at him 
Yagi: "sure can" and he then walks back upstairs 
Izumi: "is everything alright?" looking at the two 
Inko: "you'll know soon enough Izumi..." and she had a bad feeling it's horrible news 

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