Chapter 1 - Izuku Midoriya

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The vigilante smirked under his mask as he heard the sirens of the incoming police cars get louder and louder. He finished the last knot on the rope and glanced over at the two hugging teenagers. He sighed. The vigilante jumped up and landed on the roof top above. He looked around, seeing the police cars already parked outside the alleyway, and when he heard an officer shout "there's the kids!", insuring that they noticed the two teenagers, he smiled and ran off into the darkness, leaving only nothingness behind him.
This vigilante has a long backstory, a backstory that no one except him could ever know.


"Sorry kid it's not gonna happen."
The doctor said, staring at the little four year old boy, who just dropped his toy from shock. His mother sitting next to him squeezed his hand.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean the boys quirkless madam." The doctor said, frowning slightly, knowing what the boy had to overcome in his future.

Quirkless people in the current society were very rare. 80% of the population has some kind of quirk, and the remaining 20% were mostly the elderly. So being born quirkless was very very rare. It wasn't a good thing though. No, it definitely wasn't. The quirkless were deemed the "useless" and "waste of space". They were pushed aside and forgotten about.

And now, the little Izuku Midoriya just found out that he was one of those "quirkless".
Inko held the trembling boys hand as she led him to the car. She was silent, as was the boy; no one knew what to say.
They drove back, arriving at their little house in silence, both knowing what awaited them.

Inko opened the door, shielding the little boy from the kitchen view. She closed the door silently, but then they heard a voice.
"Inko? You came back?"
Inko sighed but led Izuku into the lounge room, where Hisashi Midoriya sat on the couch. He turned around and smiled at his family, the smile, though, completely fading as he saw the sad looks on the two.
"What happened?" He asked, concerned. Inko squeezed Izuku's hand tightly.
"He...... Izukus quirkless." She whispered, looking down at the ground.

There was silence, until Hisashi stood up and slowly walked over to Izuku and Inko. He bent down and for for a moment Izuku thought that he was going to hug him, comfort him, like a real father would, but... instead he got a punch to the head. Izuku fell down face- first , silently crying. Inko gasped and kneeled down, hugging Izuku. Hisashis once smiling face turned into a scowl. He grabbed a suitcase, spat at the two on the ground and said:
"I always knew you were useless. I at least thought that youd get a good quirk. Ugh, why'd you have to give birth to a shit like him?! I'm leaving!" Hisashi stomped out and slammed the door behind him. Izuku started crying loudly, not really understanding what just happened, after all he was only 4 years old, while Inko silently hugged him, frowning, and patting his head.

Inko and Izuku have been living together for 3 years now, since that happened. Inko always worked, day and night, to earn money for them, and she came back very late, having only 3 or 4 hours of sleep, so Izuku had to do all the house work himself. He learned how to do the laundry, wash the plates, cook himself and his mother food, and knew how to do anything else that was required of him. He also went to school, but that wasn't very enjoyable. His only friend, Katsuki Bakugo, turned against him and was now bullying him with his friends. Izuku was fine with it though, after all he's been through worse beatings from his dad. He never told his mother because he didn't want to get her worried; she was already coping with enough.

Izuku, at school, was known as the "quirkless dumb kid". He always got low marks, and was bullied by everyone for being quirkless. Of course, this was only because Izuku hid his true skills. He deliberately answered questions incorrectly, fearing that if he showed how actually smart he is, he would get beaten up even worse by the bullies. He didn't need that, and so he pretended to be stupid, when really he was smarter than probably everyone in his current school. The thing was, he got loads of free time everyday. When he hid in closets or in the school bathrooms or library at breaks, he didn't have anything to do, so he got out books and read, occasionally taking notes from the books into his notebook. At home after school, when he was finished with all the house work, he went to the public library, borrowed some books and studied at home by himself.

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