CHAPTER 33: All For Nothing?!??

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I wasn't too sure if my plan here would work but I think it is by the way everyone is reacting. The look upon Jameson's face as well as Ashleigh's and including of course, on Maloney's. I think it is working.

When he walks up to me even closer, I can feel his breath against my lips and right away want to gag. However, I know I can't. So far this is working and to be honest I am not sure if this will continue to work but, I am going to try my best. He is after all, still a  guy, who did at one point like me in a sexual way.

He looks into my eyes (staring me down), I know he is waiting for me to break down and to call my bluff, but not a chance. So he takes a step back and begins to look me up and down then tongue-to-cheek smiles.

"Alright. Why don't you and I go into one of the rooms and discuss things a little more." He suggested.

"Okay." I replied with a smile.

The moment we began walking away, I heard Jameson angrily protest.

"No fucking way." He states and I snap my head back at him as Maloney's men restrain him and hold him back.

"Don't make yourself more embarrassed and pathetic looking than you do right now." I tell him.

He looks at me hurt and surprised, in which makes me feel hurt, but soon, if my idea works out as planned then he will understand and hopefully forgive me.

Next, both Maloney and I start walking towards the closest room here and once he closes the door behind us, I walk over towards a desk and when I turn around, he is already, inches away from my mouth as he leans close enough to me, leaning me back onto the desk, holding onto the edge of it while he places his hands, palms down, on top of the desk, beside me.

"You may not believe me but, I truly have missed you. " He says beneath his breath. "However, I am not an idiot."

The moment he said that, I knew he had called my bluff. He forcefully turned me around and bent me over onto the desk, forcing my legs apart with his while holding the both of my wrists in front of me, still over the desk on my stomach with one hand while using the other hand as he began trying to undo his belt and unzip his pants before then yanking down my pants and before anything could happen, I managed to squirm enough to quickly lift myself halfway up enough to headbutt his face and ended up breaking his nose.

Then I immediately grabbed his gun that he had left on the table, cocked it and turned around to face him with the gun pointing straight between his eyes as he was still yelling in pain, holding his nose.

"You fucking bitch!" He states.

I walked up to him and put the gun to the top of his head as he remained on his knees and I finished putting my pants back on.

"Get up!" I demanded.

He looked up at me with blood dripping off his face from his nose and then began to laugh at me.

"Fuck you." He spat at me.

"Wrong answer." I tell him and without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

No more Maloney. That was it. It was over finally. Everything was done with. He was no more. But now there was the issue of the others out there and I knew I needed to be prepared because of the gunshot going off. Any minute, Maloney's men would come in here to check and see what happened.

Sure enough, seconds later, they were trying to come in and break down the door. I hurried and hid underneath the desk and the doors were busted in, seconds after I shot Maloney and they began scrambling around and noticed right away, the body of Maloney.

They all began yelling and I could hear them running around then once I saw one of his men looking around several feet away from me in the room, the moment he got close enough and was about to find me, I took him out by shooting him in the neck. (Although I was aiming for his head originally).

Not sure in how many bullets were left, I started shooting at anyone coming near me though until I could grab some more.

They all knew where I was at now of course, and knew I needed to get more weapons too.

Gunfire was immediately going on not just in this room but out there where Jameson and the rest of them were at and I was hoping they would all be alright.

Luckily the next guy I shot at, he dropped his gun nearby me, allowing me to hurry and grab it before quickly hiding behind a sofa in the room.

I would be lieing if I told you I wasn't terrified and worried about every second of my life at this point but, like I have said before, I won't go down without a fight and am hoping that the gunfire I am hearing coming from the other rooms, are from Jameson and the rest.

One of the guns as I try to shoot it, is emptied and then the only other gun I have to use right now, just locked on me and couldn't be happening at a worst time as I hear several shuffling noises from someone or a few people coming towards my direction.

This was it! I have no weapon and nothing to protect me. I was going to die in just a few  seconds.

I looked out the corner of my eyes and noticed somebody wearing nice dress shoes walk close by and as soon as I looked up and noticed it was Guilliano, I closed my eyes the moment he began smiling and raised his gun to point at me.....


Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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