CHAPTER 12: Is That A Fact?!?

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Seriously, why the hell is she so afraid of Maloney?! He's a punk. She really needs to get some confidence enough to leave him because I don't have much patience and if she isn't willing to leave him then there must be something he does that is so great to make her stay or has information on her that he has threatened to use against her somehow with.

Either way, I don't like waiting in general but especially for too long or play any games. So unless she likes playing a victim and this is some kind of a scheme and or part of a game she plays with guys then she has another thing coming.

Thoughts like that even have me not believing I even have thought of those kind about her in the first place. I'm for the most part great at reading between the lines with people and I honestly have to say that she doesn't strike me as one to play a victim but you never know. Not to mention my thoughts have been invaded by her so I could be getting a little bit rusty.

See, this is why I don't believe in getting involved and being in a relationship with someone. Too much work and distraction from business and other important matters to where if you aren't careful, most of the time can get you killed.

I barely know this girl and already she has got me hooked more than anyone ever has and I can tell she is in to me as well. But do I want to get involved or even give her the false hope of there ever being anything between us intimately or romantically? Honestly, I'm not sure anymore. I want to be with her but how can you want someone who you barely know? Can somebody you hardly know change you the way she has with me already?!?

I need to think about some things first before I see or talk with her again. Not to mention that it's pretty weird and stupid how the guys that are supposed to be protecting her right now, aren't doing a great job by letting her go places by herself. However, it's none of my business.

Throughout the next four days, I haven't returned her texts. She hasn't blown up my phone or anything either, like most girls do and ask what is wrong and what is going on, etc, and I appreciate it. But at the same time I feel bad for not telling her anything. Who knows what she is thinking right now.

She did though, send me two texts the other day then one the morning before last and then stopped all together.

"Jameson?" I heard Luciano say my name to try getting my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"You agree?" He asks me.

"With what?" I asked.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. Just haven't been sleeping too good. You know, with this whole trip coming up in a few days." I mentioned.

"It was your idea to get away." He reminds me.

"Yeah well, I need no distractions while thinking of the meeting with Jimmy Caputo." I confessed.

"Don't worry about him, come on, he needs you more than you need him." He reminds me.

"Yeah. True." I smiled.

Jimmy Caputo is very well known in this business and almost has a reputation as I do. Now, this meeting coming up is one that he initiated for us to have and honestly, it isn't him I am worried about, it is the man he used to work for who also happened to be his grandfather. He was the best at doing what I do and I used to think of him like a hero of some kind and learned some tricks of the trade from him sorta speak, way back when I was first starting off.

He was a dangerous man to do business with and didn't care who you were or what you did, you always showed respect to him and knew right away what never to do that would get you murdered and possibly your entire family slaughtered for.

Luciano was right though, he really does need me more than I do him. In fact, I don't even know why I had even a moment briefly of any doubt or uncertainty about the outcome of the meeting in the first place.

Shit! Maybe it's her that has gotten me not being able to think normally, ALREADY and we aren't even together yet.

Fuck! I can't do this anymore and put myself through so much bullshit torture while living in denial that I have created myself about her. And also, you know what? I want her and for fuck sake I'm gonna make her mine, starting today! Enough childish behavior I have acted towards her for these last several days. I want her and that's that! Period! I'm Jameson "The Muscle" Harvey for fucksake!

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"There's nothing to talk about." I snap at him while lighting a cigarette.

"Yeah, sure. Why don't you talk to her already?" He asks me.

I didn't realize I had been so obvious.

"I don't need any distractions. You know me." I tell him while taking another drag from my cigarette.

"Yeah I do know you. I have never seen you act the way you do with her. I also know that you're being childish and too chicken shit to talk with her and make her yours. No offense and as a friend, take my advice, she already has you distracted." He points out and I just look at him not realizing that my cigarette paper is burning down quickly.

Before the ash gets to my fingers, I put it out real fast.

"Good point. Well, let's get going then." I mention as I stand up and button my suit jacket before we begin walking out towards the car.

Luciano and a couple of my guys begin to drive with me towards Maloney's place when along the way on the side of the road, I noticed her car on the side of the road with the hood up and as we drove past, I noticed her sitting in the driver seat with her head facedown on the wheel.

I have my guy make a U-Turn and pull up in front of her car.

The moment I get out and start approaching her car though, I walk over towards the driver seat and seemed to have accidentally startle her.

"Hey." Was all I said and she jumped a little and looked at me scared until she saw it was me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She replies. "Just, I thought I would get a lot further along than this." She chuckles to herself a little bit.

"Where were you going? I can take you wherever you want." I offer.

"It's okay. I'm fine." She replies coldly and short suddenly.

"Come on." I mention and try to get her out of the car gently.

However she doesn't take too kindly to that and must have thought I was trying to hurt her because she struggled and began throwing punches at me. They weren't very strong and I finally was able to get her to stand up out of the car while pinning her wrists to her sides to keep her from hitting me anymore.

"Calm the hell down! What the fuck is your problem?" I demanded.

"YOU are my problem! EVERYBODY here is my fucking problem!" She snaps back.  "Now get your damn hands off of me!"

She struggles to break free from my grasp and fails. Then I look into the car and notice in the front seat are three bags.

"Going somewhere?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, so?! Now let go of me!" She repeats and turns to the side then surprises me as she is able to push me back hard enough to where she quickly gets back into the car then shuts and locks all the doors.

I'm not exactly sure as to why but right now she is turning me on.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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