CHAPTER 1: Lizette

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There are some people who fear going to sleep because they are haunted by nightmares so badly, that they would rather stay awake then fall asleep......I wish I were like them-I envy people like that.

I am one of those who prefers to sleep because my nightmare is what I experience everyday when I am awake. Ever since I was thirteen years old.

I grew up in the city life, middle class and was happy. Both of my parents loved me more than anything in the world as I did them.

Everything seemed good and the future seemed bright and hopeful. However, when I was ten years old, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and because they didn't catch it in time, gave her just a few months to live.

My father after her death couldn't handle life without her and somehow had forgotten all about me. He became addicted to liquor and drugs.

One day, just a few days before my thirteenth birthday, he overdosed and I had found him laying face down on the living room floor, dead.

I had just gotten back from school and found him there pale with blue lips and his eyes opened.

Although he never abused me physically or even mentally and had just ignored me for so long, I still cared about him and loved him. He was my father after all and didn't know how to handle losing his wife.

However, there was the other part of me that immediately intervened those thoughts and replaced them with anger and horror as to why he would do that in the first place. At the end of the day or bottom line as some would call it, he left me all alone. There was nobody I could go to.

For a while that was all I thought and right after that, I was immediately put up into a foster care and soon enough, was then chosen to live with a family who weren't necessarily bad people but weren't good neither. In fact, they too ignored me and seemed to treat me differently than they did the others who lived there. I became the black sheep of their family the moment I had arrived.

The mom would actually pick fun at me most of the time for what I would wear because she thought that any girl with thick curves needed to wear nothing more than something the size of a tent. I really had no choice for a few years until I had gotten a job at the age of sixteen, because since she was buying them for me all that time until that point, I had to wear what she wanted me to.

The couple who adopted me also had previously adopted three others, years prior and they too never treated me like one of them. So once again, I was alone.

It was also around that time that I began becoming more of an emotional eater. I mean, I became a closet emotional eater after my mother had died and when my father began ignoring me, it had just continued. However, it never got as bad as when I moved in with that family. So I always had to have a secret hidden stash to keep me happy.

Once I became sixteen I had gotten a job at a local movie theater and worked there up until I was eighteen years old and graduated high school. One day, while at work, I was on my lunch break in the mall food court and was approached by this charming and very forward, attractive guy who sat down uninvited in the chair across from me and started talking.

His name is Maloney and he had the bad boy look to him and at first I never was shown the bad boy side of him, that came later.

When my lunch break was over, he then asked for my phone number and I have been with him ever since. It has now been three years since we met and became a couple and he has taken care of me......well, financially, I will say he has.

Honestly, I never knew what he did until a year into our relationship and I remember trying to get out because I hadn't approved of his lifestyle, but on that day, it was also the first time I had learned that there was no way out of this as he had hit me hard after my first attempt.

I had attempted a few more tries to escape from him but it was no good. He always found me and would punish me worse than before. So eventually, it became exhausting and practically pointless for me to try and escape from him, so I gave up for a while.

It's hard knowing that someone you love and trusted has betrayed you and continues hurting you emotionally and physically, including sleeping with every other woman but you, unless he is 'desperate.' But yet if I try and leave, I get punished.

He is a scary and tough guy in general but especially when it comes to this business.

Tonight happened to be an important dinner with someone though, or so I have overheard in a conversation he has had before with one of his men, that he fears and many if not all fear and highly respect the most in this business.

I always try and make sure everything goes well and looks fine when guests are over, but especially for tonight.

I needed to make sure to remember certain things such as not to make eye contact with the guests or even him unless told to, among some other pathetic rules.

So I began making the dinner and was stirring some sauce in the pot when I noticed he walked into the kitchen close up to me.

"Looks good." He says.

"Thank you, Sir." I replied.

I hate how I had become his girlfriend to a servant throughout the years.

"Remember to be on your best behavior." He warns me.

"Of course, Sir." I replied still stirring the sauce.

"Look at me." He demands.

I close my eyes and take in a breath before letting it out and turn my head to look at him.

He stands there looking at me for a moment before saying anything and for a brief pathetic moment, I thought that maybe he would just tell me that this was all a mistake.

"I am sorry I have had it come to this." He tells me.

When he places his back hand against the side of my face to caress, I flinch at first out of habit and then stopped myself. Then right as I start to think maybe he truly is sorry this time and may start being nice to me from here on out, I see his eyes start to change quickly and he now looks pissed off.

"Don't embarrass me or you will pay greatly." He reassures me.

"Yes Sir." I replied with a nod in agreement.

"Good girl." He states as he holds my chin and squeezes it tightly some more before letting it go.

Not sure in where this would lead to, all I can say is that I was saved by the doorbell.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Here is my new Mafia romance story that I hope you will like. :):) Also, I am not letting the female main character, Lizette, be timid and have lack of confidence in herself for several chapters before she is confident and such. She gets that way within the first few chapters. :);)

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