CHAPTER 22: A Different Side

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We all have been here on this island for nearly a week already and things seemed to be going great.

Every single one of us were enjoying ourselves and I knew this was what my guys needed - a vacation.

Since it's already been a week when we left to come here and when Lizette had ran away from Maloney and the guys he left her with, I was surprised that he hadn't gotten word yet and or had noticed she took money from him yet.

There is a very slim chance of course he hasn't found out yet because those douchebags were dumbasses who are new to the business and probably didn't have the balls to call and let Maloney know what the hell happened yet.

Then there's the other chance that they had told him and he is plotting something right now. Besides, I am sure that he hasn't wrapped up his important meetings with his so-called 'BIG' clients yet so I'm not going to sweat it at all and ruin this amazing time.

Not to mention the fact that if my men get word of his whereabouts and there was any chance he would come and find us, by the time he got here, we would be gone already.

Right now, Luciano, some girl he met a few days ago, Lizette and I are hanging out at the beach near our place and having a blast while my other men are either in town or at the house enjoying themselves.

I was in the water swimming around with Luciano and his new girl when I missed my baby. She had gotten out nearly half an hour ago to lay down on the beach and get a tan. So I start walking out of the water towards her, moving my hair back with my hands, I see her looking at me, checking me out and can tell she is turned on.

I lick my lips to get her going some more while approaching her until I get close enough to kneel down and lay beside her while propped on my arm, having her look at me.

"You like what you see?" I tease her with a smirk and my eyebrows moving up and down.

"Yes I do." She replies with a smile.

"Mmm....I Looooove what I see too." I reply seductively while leaning in to give her a passionate kiss.

"You're a dork." She jokes.

"I can be." I replied in a smartass-type-of- way.

"We should head back soon." She stretches.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm just getting a little hungry." She says.

"Me too." I reply.

Luciano and the girl, Ashleigh, I think her name was, came walking up to us and threw out a suggestion of how we should stop by the store before heading back to the house to grab things for a barbecue.

I thought it was a great idea and Luciano grabbed his phone real fast to give the guys about the idea while we all started grabbing our things real quick and packing up.

The store wasn't too far away from here and after grabbing everything then walking towards the checkout line, Lizette told me she almost forgot something for dessert tonight. So she quickly ran to the back of the store to grab whatever it was while the three of us waited on line for our turn.

It took her a little while but we weren't in a hurry and as soon as we finished placing the last item onto the counter for the cashier to ring up, Lizette came up and handed me the items she had forgotten but she seemed to have a different demeanor.

Maybe I should wait until we get home to talk to ask her if everything is okay so that I don't bring any unwanted attention or create a scene of any kind. So I figured I would at least wait until we got outside and loaded up the groceries. 

She had asked for the keys so she could wait in the car for us. So I handed them to her and she started to walk out.

Once we were done paying, we walked outside and there I saw her struggling to get into the car because of some guy harassing her.

"What the fuck bro?!" I snapped at him while yanking him off of her, punching him before Luciano hurried and grabbed the guy while I had the girls get into the car real quick then shutting the door before finishing this asshole.

Luciano suddenly pushed him hard up against the car next to us and I began demanding a reason why he touched MY girl and was harassing her in the first place.

"This doesn't involve you!" The guy tries to break free from Luciano's grip but I can tell that this guy is some type of an amateur and honestly doesn't fit the profile of being part of a mob or anything of that sort. Something was fishy about this.

"Yes it does! ESPECIALLY when you attack MY fucking girl! Now I'm not asking you again! Who the fuck are you and why the hell were you touching her?!" I demanded a little louder.

"Fuck you!" He spits at me acting tough.

"Have it your way." I tell him and nod at Luciano to continue holding him while I opened up the trunk and grabbed some pliers. 

Now I was back to my true self. I was back in the mode I have been taking a vacation this past week from. But he started something he should have known better than to.

I don't show any hesitation or anything as I walk up to him with the pliers all ready and don't even say anything before I grab his hand and he asks me what I'm about to do.

"I gave you a chance." I point out before grabbing one of his fingers quickly and just as I am about to cut it off with the pliers, he starts to confess.

"Alright alright!" He says.

I stop right as I nearly squeezed tightly.

"You have ten seconds." I began.

"You might as well kill me now because I ain't telling you shit!" He spits at me.

I become more infuriated and decide to not even give this guy another chance to speak so I knock him out before having Luciano place the guy in the trunk before hurrying back inside the car with me and him in the front before peeling out from the parking lot towards the house.

"Jameson?" I hear Lizette ask from the backseat.

Shit!! I forgot for the past few minutes she was still in the car.....well, this all is going to be very interesting. She is about to see the side of me she has not yet seen.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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