CHAPTER 3: Was He Talking To Me?

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The doorbell literally saved me from whatever wrath I was about to endure from Maloney.

He pushed me a little before turning around and leaves the kitchen to let me finish while he has one of his guys answer the door.

This wasn't going to be fun for me for many reasons, but one of them being that I was going to have to endure Jameson and his men's bullshit on top of everything else.

Although I have never met the guy, I know all about him and his reputation. In fact, there isn't one person on this earth who doesn't know who he is. Just another heartless and asshole type of a Mafia boss to me, who could care less about others and abuses women on top of that. They are all the same.

I take in a few deep breaths and let them out to try and calm down and clear my head when I suddenly heard Maloney call out for me to bring in eight drinks for him and everybody else.

I quickly began to pour a glass of whiskey over some ice cubes before placing them on a tray then walking out into the living room area with my head facing down.

Even though I can't see anyone, I can still feel when everybody is looking at me and to be honest, it makes me uncomfortable. But I know I have to ignore it.

I hand Maloney his drink first along with a couple of his men, then the rest to Jamesons' guys and then him last.

His men all said 'thank you' after accepting theirs and I just smiled at them without making eye contact still.

I wasn't sure I could last or make it any second longer as it would be near impossible for me not to look. Shit, it would be close to nearly impossible for anybody NOT to look.

"Is dinner ready?" I heard Maloney ask.

"Just five more minutes, Sir." I tell him then turn to walk back into the kitchen.

I could hear them begin immediately talking as soon as I left and I couldn't help but overhear Mr. Harvey giving it to Maloney, causing me to laugh a little bit. It seems the man's reputation is more than a word of gossip. For even Maloney to be afraid of him, that is hilarious to me. I swear, Maloney is all bark and no bite.

I finish plating things and placing a lot of the food onto a couple of platters and in some bowls. Then I walk back out into the living room and announce that dinner is ready.

Everyone gets up and starts walking into the dining room and once they take a seat, I began to bring out the food-a few plates at a time before retreating back into the kitchen and start washing the dishes.

We do have a dishwasher, but he refuses to have me use it and believes it to be the 'lazy' way of doing them. He says I need to lose weight anyways and that this is a good exercise for my arms.

I know he is full of shit and that isn't true but, it doesn't pay to argue with him. Besides, this is one of the very little few times I have to myself and can think of ways to escape where he would never be able to find me or catch me. I mean, I even know where his huge bag of cash stashed with small and big bills, is located. It's actually hidden away in the back of his closet in a cut-out hole he had done and I am one of the few that knows about it. Which that is only because he doesn't know I know about it.

Then I become startled as I guess that I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't hear anyone walk into the kitchen and was surprised as soon as I heard Mr. Harvey's voice.

Why did Jameson come in here? Was he lost trying to look for the bathroom or something? Or was this the part he was going to try and intimidate me?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He says.

Immediately I am taken back and confused as to why he apologized. Was this some kind of a joke or a trick? I've heard about how he charms women-not that he is trying to do that with me but I heard he charms them then gets what he wants and leaves-leaving the majority of them heart broken.

Now of course, I could care less about that because clearly he had to have come in here to complain about the food or something to try and get me in trouble with Maloney. So, because I can't afford to snap at this guy, I will continue playing the nice hostess role.

"It's okay. Do you need anything, Mr. Harvey?" I ask him nervously and worried because I right away look down at the floor, hoping that he doesn't tell anyone I made any eye contact with him. I'm a dead girl because of course he would tell Maloney.

"I just wanted to tell you that it was a delicious meal and to call me Jameson." He states.

Wow, a compliment? Especially from him?

"You're very welcome, Jameson." I replied.

He stood there for a moment before saying anything.

"Why don't you...." He begins to tell me something until we hear the kitchen door swing open and it is one of his men coming in to have him go back.

He seems agitated and I notice him quickly white-knuckling as he creates balls of fists at his sides. This was it, he was going to hit me.
I recognize that type of movement and gesture from anywhere. But then something happened that surprised me.....he didn't.

In fact, he had let out a breath of frustration and then turned and headed back into the dining room.

Whew! That was a close call. Luck must be in the cards for me tonight because of what just happened in me looking at him.

Hopefully he wasn't going to stay here much longer anyways. He seems to make me a little more nervous than Maloney does. In which could be due to who he is and the effect he had on Maloney as well could play a factor. Anyone that can scare Maloney the way this guy did means he is a force to be reckoned with and I don't want to be on this guy's bad side.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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