CHAPTER 23: Safe In The Arms Of Love

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Three hours have already passed since we returned back to the house and the moment we stepped into the house, Jameson had told me he would be right back and asked for me and Ashleigh to stay here while him, Luciano and some of his other men went down into the basement to take care of the guy.

Honestly, I was surprised and in complete utter shock of terror the moment I found out who he was and who he worked for. I tried holding in my emotions until after we left the store so that I didn't create a scene but apparently that did not happen.

There was not enough high volume of sound from the TV to drown out the yelling and screaming from the man.

There was a part of me that was curious to see exactly what Jameson was doing to him but Ashleigh had no idea in what they did for a living and since I am not sure in rather or not she is just a hook up or not. Since the way he looks and acts around her says otherwise and that there may be something between them.

Then she says something randomly.

"I already know what Luciano and them do for a living. Luciano and I have actually been together for two years now."

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, he comes and sees me whenever he can and I ready know what he does." She smiles at me.

Wow, that was random. But at the same time I am relieved that she told me so that this way I can feel less awkward.

"Well I'm glad you already know because I have been thinking a lot since everything started in what you thought. Plus, if you don't mind me asking, Luciano made it seem as though you guys had just met the other day and apparently it is as if Jameson doesn't know who you are neither, how come that is?" I asked hoping it wasn't too forward.

"We weren't sure about telling others. You see, I too have a past. My ex-boyfriend, used to be in the same line of business and him along with Luciano one night got into an argument. Well, more like a fist-fight over me. My ex was jealous that Luciano got along better than him and I and one day, my ex snapped at me, began to beat me and Luciano came to my rescue. Saved my life." She says.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I tell her.

"It's okay. I am happier and safer now." She smiles at me reassuringly before excusing herself to use the bathroom.

I right away begin to hear a bloodcurdling scream from the guy and not being able to hold back anymore, I cautiously begin walking towards the basement and slowly start turning the knob before carefully proceeding to walk down the stairs unnoticed.

I had only gone down the stairs halfway before I was stopped at the most horrific sight I had ever seen before in my life.

Luciano, Jameson and several of his men were surrounding the bloodied, beatened, now dead corpse of the man who tried to hurt me.

I'm not sure what the guy told Jameson or didn't but either way, obviously it had to have been bad for the damage they have done to this guy-not saying he didn't deserve it but to see something in person that you normally would only see in movies, it is a bit.....well, honestly, I can't think of anything at the moment to describe what I am feeling.

"Oh my god." I said in shock and hadn't realized I said that loud enough for them to hear me, but I guess so because they all snapped their heads to look at me with their clothes and hands all stained in blood.

"Get out of here!" Jameson says.

"I...." I started to try and think of what to say but then I heard him soon yell at me.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He practically growled at me.

That had scared me so much more because he sounded like the beast from the movie Beauty and The Beast when he got upset at her after he caught Belle looking at the rose and told her to leave.

I felt like a child who had just been scorned by my dad for doing something bad.

Next, I nearly tripped while hurrying up the stairs and slammed the door before running past Ashleigh who was just walking out of the kitchen as I ran out towards the water with luckily nobody around.

I took in a few deep breaths, trying to breathe and calm myself down a little bit as I tried to comprehend every thing that just happened. I then sat down with my knees in my chest, laying my face between my knees and started crying a little bit.

Maybe it was because everything felt overwhelming, maybe it was that I had never heard Jameson lose his temper like that the way he did. In fact, it's it wasn't even him.

Now granted, I barely know him and am aware at what he does but never did I expect to have him look at me with that scary aggressive killer look in his eyes. It was as if it wasn't him. I felt as though I was looking at somebody completely different and began having flashbacks of his Maloney acted towards me when he lost his shit.

I stood back up and started taking a little walk down a little ways along the sand for a little while.

I didn't have a watch or my phone on me so I am not exactly sure in how long I was outside by the water before heading back inside the house, until I had actually returned.

The moment I walked inside, everybody was standing around and looked at me with empathy and I noticed the guys were all cleaned up and saw Jameson come around the corner cleaned up as well but looked upset and angry still.

He began to quickly walk towards me and I braced myself for him to harshly grab me and begin yelling, becaise I WAS gone for a while.

Instead, he quickly embraced me in a hug and held me tightly as I did right back.

"I was so worried you left." He begins.

I started holding him tighter and started to cry from how great it felt to be in his arms.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Soon, he plans to teach her how to fight and to shoot and it will be....interesting.

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