CHAPTER 32: What Is Going On?!?

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Eventually we ended up at my friend's place that is located in a good secluded spot in the jungle type forest here on the island.

His car was still in the driveway and I know I shouldn't be coming up here on his property without calling him first since he doesn't approve of what I do for a living and always needs a heads up if I ever came here looking for a place to hideout for a bit.

We are like brother's though and I am sure he will still take me in. So I risk the thought of him possibly come barging out of his place here with a gun.

The moment we stepped onto the porch and before I was about to knock on the door, I suddenly noticed the door looked to have been busted down as if some type of an ambush happened.

Then the further I walked inside, I immediately noticed to my right in his TV room was his lifeless, beatened and cut up body half way hanging off the couch.

"Oh my god." I hear Lizette say as I continue standing there in shock and disbelief that they found him.

This place was so private to the point that barely anyone but a few of us knew where he lived. Everything and everybody right now disappeared.

I continued slowly walking towards his body and began feeling terrible for this happening to him all because of me. Because I had to become his friend - his brother.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and began to break down and let the tears fall as I cried.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry bro. I swear I never told them where you were. I'm sorry I ever got you caught up in this bullshit." I cry while closing his eyes with my hand while sitting there for another moment before sniffling and wiping my tears away as anger soon took the place of sadness.

"I'm sorry man." Luciano and everybody tells me as soon as I turn to face them.

I just nod my head and take one final look at my friend before I look at everyone and ignored their sympathetic looks for a moment as I tried focusing on controlling myself and preventing from exploding.

"I am not going to play any more games with this fucker. In fact, when we find him, Maloney is mine. I want to be the one that makes him beg for his life. I want him to suffer at my hands." I explain to everybody through clenched teeth.

"Is that so?!?" We out of nowhere heard Maloney's voice come from out the hallway of the house, along with his minions following behind him, including Guilliano and his men too.

"You fucking traitor piece of shit!" I spat at Guilliano.

Before replying, he instead just began to chuckle.

"Please, did you honestly think I would seriously make a deal with some bitch I didn't know?! Come on now, we all know how I do business and how LONG I have waited for the moment when I would take you out." He grins in a sinister way along with a dark and deep chuckle. "And who would have thought I would get so much from a little piece of shit like this kid."

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Maloney turns to look at Guilliano pissed off.

"Oh shut the hell up! You're too young, inexperienced and too chicken shit for this business." Guilliano rolls his eyes at Maloney when telling him all of that.

"You old ass bitch, your ass needs to be the one to retire. Not to mention I am the one who killed that shithead on the couch over there.

All of my guys and Lizette now at my side, we all had our hands up because we had no weapons on us and they all had their guns pointed at us already.

I was infuriated and all I could think about was how much enjoyment I was going to get when I killed these two sick fucks very soon!

"And as for you." Maloney states while grinning in a disturbing and sick way at Lizette as he started walking up to her. "You had some nerve to steal money from me."

"Please, it was all too easy." She smiled at him.

He gets close enough to her that I feel is TOO fucking close for comfort. However, the moment he gets close enough to her and starts to roughly hold her face to force her to look at him, she struggles a bit then he looks out the corner of his eyes at me and smiles.

"Did you tell him about how much fun we had together?" He asks, knowing damn well what effect that would have on me.

"What fun? From what I remember, that word didn't exist to you. In fact, as memory serves, I remember having to have my OWN fun alone, especially after you couldn't do it for me."

He may not have liked the insults as we all could tell by the vein on the side of his neck getting ready to pop out and his entire face turning red from the anger. Meanwhile, the rest of us gasped and tried holding in our laughter's. THAT's my girl.

"You're gonna pay for that." He threatens her.

She glares at him and right as he gets ready to come over towards me, pulling out his gun and pointing it at me, getting ready to pull the trigger, I hear her tell out for him to 'STOP!'

"And why should I?! You have nothing to offer me to make me change my mind on this decision." He says.

"I can pay you back!" She shouts.

We both look at her bewildered. Is she seriously thinking about having me pay this fucker with MY money?!

"And how is that? You have no money." He chuckles.

"But I do. You see, a few days ago, I realized after seeing how things were going and how he would be taken down by you and your new clients, I realized that I had made a mistake." She starts telling him without looking at me.

"A mistake?" He asks her and looks back at me still pointing the gun towards me before looking back at her and walking up to her again.

"Yes. You see, when I heard you had done business with Guilliano and have been growing your business, I realized that I had made a mistake to leave you. You are so powerful and I was stupid in thinking I could steal from you and get away with it. Let alone, ever try and replace you with him." She says the last part as she looks out the corner of her eye at me with a little scowl.

I can't tell if rather or not she is being serious or playing him. I doubt she would say what she is and mean it but right now she is sounding so damn convincing I don't know what to think.

Ashleigh and Luciano all are thinking she is serious. So I guess, she is. But then why would she do that to me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

What do you all think? You think she is being serious? Sincere? Maybe she is just pretending and trying to trick him. Then could be that this story will not be like the other ones of mine?!? Read on to find out.....:);)

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