CHAPTER 7: It's Too Dangerous

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I was grateful that Jameson had made Maloney agree to let me eat because although I have had some food, he truly does want me to lose weight. I just believe I need to compliment my curves more and tone up but other than that, not be what he invisions.

It was embarrassing to say the least when he announced that bullshit lie about what he thought of my eating though and about my curves. Then when I heard soon after, Jameson practically say that I have to eat and there was nothing Maloney could do about it, I nearly broke out into laughter. But I didn't want him to squeeze my thigh again causing me to wince.

The meeting was supposed to be happening downstairs and as soon as I was finished washing my hands in the bathroom upstairs, I opened the door and became curious to look around at the portraits hanging on both walls in the hallway.

I stopped at the fourth picture and right away knew it was Jameson when he was little with both his parents. His mother was beautiful and he looked a lot like his father.

"That was one of my mother's favorite portraits." I heard his deep voice say out of nowhere from beside me.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to snoop, I thought you guys were in the meeting and I was just using the bathroom." I tried to nervously explain. Why does he make me feel this way?

"The meeting won't start without me." He winks and smirks at me.

The way he was leaning up against the wall while looking at me made me tremble a bit, wanting to melt inside.

Then he pushed himself off and started to walk closer, making me back up against the wall behind me while he got close enough for me to feel his breath on my lips.

"Tell me something, Lizette..." He starts to lowly and seductively tell me as he leaned his face forward to the side of my neck, not touching me with his lips but close enough to send shivers up and down my spine as he continues talking.

"W-what?" I stutter a bit while holding in a moan.

"When was the last time you were ever touched?" He asks.

"Uhm....I....I....It's been a while." I finally manage to breathlessly say as I start becoming wet and heated between my legs, next, I I begin to feel his breath and lips close enough to graze against my skin.

"I want you to do something for me....." He says as one of his hands gently touches the side of my face and caresses it before holding the side of it.

"Okay..." I gave in, not knowing or even caring what he said next.

"Look at me." He says and I open my eyes up, though I didn't know I even had them closed in the first place.

When I opened them, there were his eyes, inches away and I felt as though he had me hooked. It was difficult for me to even blink right now.

"Lizette...." He continues and I loved the way he said my name, but we were suddenly interrupted out of nowhere from one of his men and he seemed irritated and looked at the guy to tell him he was coming.

No offense to his buddy, but seriously dude? WTF?!? Before Jameson walked off, he looked at me once more and his demeanor changed. He was calm again and began to smile a little.

"To be continued." He says.

He surprises me by lifting up my chin with his finger to give me one of the best kisses I have ever had.

Did he seriously just kiss me? Oh my god. Did I like it? Oh my god, I'm an idiot, OF COURSE I loved it! My god, I want him so badly right now.

To have this kind of effect on me though, even before the kiss, I can only imagine him being great at foreplay and in bed.

Why couldn't I have met him first and not Maloney?

I have just been kissed for the first time in my life where I felt something good as a result.

I will forever think about this night and only fantasize as I already have been doing about him. 

The kiss he just gave me had me thinking the entire time while waiting for the meeting to be over with about what he would have done to me if we weren't interrupted.

Thankfully the meeting didn't take too long and I am not sure how much Jameson gave Maloney, but he walked out with the biggest smile on his face that I had never seen before.

"You ready?" He asks nicely.

"Yeah." I replied.

I stood up from off the couch and was hoping that I would get to say 'goodnight' to Jameson but he never came out. And while  following Maloney out towards the car, before I stepped outside, I heard Luciano yell out for me before he began sprinting at me.

"Hey! You forgot your purse." He says while handing me it.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Maloney and I got into the car and started driving away and after we returned to the house, Maloney had wished me a sincere 'goodnight'. My god, how much did he get?

I guess there is no use wondering about it. As long as he was happy it was okay. In fact, I might even be able to sleep decently tonight without worrying about him coming in.

When getting ready for bed, I had taken a look at my purse I almost left at Jameson's house and thought of how beautiful it was. I had never owned a clutch before that was this nice and knew Inmost likely would never get another one but, am grateful I got it.

Next, I emptied out the only thing I had in there which was just some tissues and a chapstick so that at least I could say I had something inside of it. However, it felt a bit heavier the more I paid attention and when I opened it up, I noticed a bright small blue light flashing.

When I pulled out the device it was coming from, I saw it was a small flip phone with also a charger? I don't own a phone. This must have been accidentally put into my purse by one of the other men's wives tonight, since they mostly were drunk by the time they left.

That thought quickly disappeared as I soon realized after I felt it vibrate and opened it up and saw there was a notification of a text message that read:

If you decide to accept this gift, please message me back telling me what happened before the meeting. That way I know you have found this phone and it is you.     - J -

Maybe I shouldn't reply but I am going to anyways.

ME: You caught me looking at the portrait of you and your parents when you were a little boy and we kissed before you went downstairs to the meeting.

After I sent it I felt all giddy inside.

JAMESON: There you are, Beautiful. I wanted to keep in contact with you and thought this would be a good way to do so. Keep it on silent if you want to or vibrate mode even, that way, Maloney doesn't find out or anybody else. I don't know the situation with him and you but, if you ever need anyone, I am here.

I can't stop thinking about our kiss tonight and hope that it wasn't our last......

I just stared at the phone and placed it onto the night stand unsure if rather or not I should continue because my gut is reminding me that it's too dangerous and that Maloney always has a way of finding things like this out.

Although Maloney is leaving town tomorrow and will be away for a few weeks..... No! I tell myself and shake that thought from my head. I can't risk it.  I am still worried one of his guys will snoop and eventually find it then tell Maloney who will then kill me for sure, before going after Jameson and his men.

On the other hand, I am interested and he IS after all, one of the most feared in the business......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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