CHAPTER 21: The Luckiest Girl!!

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Last night was memorable....No, it was perfect.....Actually it was.....Honestly, there are no words to describe last night.

We barely know each other, yet, we both told each other, 'I love you'. I do believe he meant it as much as I did when I told it right back to him.

When I had woken up this morning, the first thing I saw was Jameson carrying a tray of breakfast and some coffee.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles while setting the tray down between us in the bed and leaning over to kiss me.

"Good morning good looking." I smiled but at the same time, felt immediately stupid after calling him that. I probably should have called him 'hottie' or 'sexy' but oh well, I'm still waking up.

"Did you sleep good?" He asks.

"I did. How about you?" I smiled.

"Always with you." He says.

After finishing breakfast and waking up a little more, I noticed there was a duffel bag near the TV that I don't remember seeing last night.

"Was that here last night already?" I ask him.

"Yeah. It was in the closet. I thought it would be nice if you and I had a fresh pair of clothes before spending all day together." He tells me.

"Thanks baby. Are we really spending the day together? What about the guys?" I asked while walking towards the bag where he handed me some clothes.

"Would you seriously rather have them come along instead of you and I being alone together?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow and a hint of half sarcasm in his voice at the same time.

"Shut up! You know that's not what I meant, ass." I playfully rolled my eyes.

When beginning to walk past him to take a shower real quick, he slapped my ass real hard.

"Ow!" I quickly turned around and slapped his arm.

"What, you like it when I do that to you. Besides, what did I tell you before? The first time you told me you didn't mind it, as I recall in between you screaming my name...." I stop him at that moment.

"Hey, that may be true, but not so early in the morning. I wasn't necessarily prepared for it." I teasingly stuck out my tongue at him.

"Whatever drama queen. You love me doing it." He winks at me.

I just continue to head into the bathroom and start my shower. Then after a few minutes of finishing getting ready, I walked out into the room and noticed Jameson was already waiting for me in a similar outfit he had on the day when we had first approached his yacht.

He looks good in anything but the cargo shorts he has on right now, his gel-slicked back hair as well as the perfect shirt with tattoos exposed over most of his body, I swear, he knows how to excite me.

I had thought he had gotten his friend who picked us up from the airport to take us around but instead, as soon as we had walked outside of the hotel where the valet is, he had our transportation already awaiting for our arrival as the valet guy tossed him the keys to this motorbike/scotter type thing. 

It's a cute little scooter that you normally see people in movies drive on with their lovers on the back, while wrapping their arms around the driver's waist to hold on.

"Now when did you get this?" I ask him.

"I called downstairs to make sure they had one available for me and all ready for us by the time we got here while you took a shower." He explains.

"Awww. You are so sweet." I kissed him.

He got on first, of course then took my hand and had me get on behind him with my arms wrapped tightly around him before taking off.

These seemed to be very popular here as I noticed that while we rode along the roads to places, most people were either on petal bikes or these more than they were driving cars.

It was nice and the wind blowing through my hair and upon my face was nice. I think I even closed my eyes and started to imagine Jameson and I were in a movie and we were filming one of those scenes when the girl closes her eyes and it's her head back with a huge smile upon her face because of how happy she is being on the back of her lover's bike.

Not more than around twenty minutes after leaving the hotel, did he pull into a parking lot and from what I could see was a place almost like Farmer's Market type of place and the locals were selling not just food and drinks but they also were selling homemade things such as sarong wraps, customized jewelry and a variety of different things.

I even thought their stuff looked real good as though they should be actually selling in their own shop.

Once we got off, he took hold of my hand and we started walking around. The local's here are really nice and very talented if I say so myself to where I nearly bought something from every table and aisle.

We had ended up spending a good few hours there before getting back onto the bike and placing the big bag I got to hold what all I had bought across my chest like a crossbody then we took off towards a cute little bit on the side of the ride and happens to be the only people here, aside form the customers of course.

Once we took our seats and started eating lunch, I couldn't help myself from looking around at how beautiful this place is and how clear the ocean water is here too.

"Having a good time?" I hear Jameson snap me out from my thoughts.

"Yeah! I'm actually having a great time! This is a lot of fun and the most fun actually I think I have ever had." I tell him excited.

"I'm glad." He chuckles.

He takes me to several other places (including a hidden waterfall that he told me not many know about).

Everything is going so perfectly and it feels amazing. I am the luckiest girl in the world!

Although there are plenty more adventures and trips like these to come. I just really wish that time itself could slow way the hell down right now to make this day last a little longer.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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