CHAPTER 8: She Is The Only Exception!

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The only person who knew about the phone was Luciano who I made sure when he told me he found her clutch purse, had him put in the charger along with the phone.

It wasn't that I wanted her to get into trouble with Maloney but I gave him more than an assentive with the large amount I loaned him this time to keep him more occupied with other things. Besides, he was leaving tomorrow for a few weeks, so he was happy and that meant that she would not have to worry about him. We could chat and nobody would know. Maybe I could have her meet me somewhere.

Listen to me, sounding like a teenage boy with a crush that's desperate to talk to them. Haven't felt like this in a very long time or ever for that matter.

I have been with my share of women but, none like her.

It was a little past midnight and she had left a few hours ago. I have my phone on ringtone so I can hear it. So far, nothing. Maybe she really doesn't want anything to do with me and maybe she likes being in the relationship she is or just thinks she is.

Then again, he has her being so fearful that maybe it was a bad idea for me to give her the phone and it is possible he has found the cellphone and has gotten rid of it already.

Suddenly, I heard my phone go off letting me know I have a text message.

I try and not to sound too excited but deep down, I really wanted her. Not just sexually but also romantically. She has this way about her that makes me want to spend every moment with her.

The things I wanted us to do before we had been interrupted, for the second time, I would have definitely taken things further.

She smelled so good and her skin was so soft. I could tell she wanted me just as much as I did her and noticed that she has never been wanted by anybody else but me by her body language and how she reacted to me touching her and speaking to her the way I did and what I said.

I had hesitated at first to see who messaged me because it could not have been her but, luckily, it was her and I was more than thrilled to say the least.

We started having a good conversation with each other.

LIZETTE:  Thank you for the phone. It's my first one for a long time. I will make sure nobody finds out about it. Even if they did, don't worry, I would make sure they never found out it was from you. Sorry if this is too late in messaging you by the way. I just thought I would say thank you and that I got your message. Also, to answer your question or assumptions about me and Maloney, there is NOTHING going on between him and I. There was a couple of years ago, but not for a while now. During dinner, that was all just a show he put on. And as far as that kiss of ours......I hope it wasn't our last neither.  :);)

She is so cute. I love that text.

ME:   Of course! I am glad you liked it. ;) Anything you need or want, just ask me. What are you doing tomorrow by the way?

It takes her a few moments to reply.

LIZETTE:  I was going to go grocery shopping and maybe see a movie, since Maloney will be leaving.

ME: He isn't leaving you with any protection?

LIZETTE: Well, the few guys that would even give me shit for anything will be gone with him. The ones he IS leaving me here with are practically idiots who could care less in what I do and can be easily manipulated. So I am sure that I can get away from them easily for several hours. That's why I figured I should do something fun.

ME: Naughty girl😜

LIZETTE: You don't know how 'naughty' I am. 😉

'Oh really?' I asked myself while reading that text.

LIZETTE: Oh god. Please ignore that. 😶

ME:  LOL! Nope! I already read it. It's in my head now.  We can come back to that later, right now, I want to go back to you telling me your plans for tomorrow.....I want to see you. I have some meetings in the morning. :/  Maybe meet up afterwards?

LIZETTE:   Awww. You poor thing. Maybe...

ME:   Maybe huh? Don't tempt me.

LIZETTE: Yes, MAYBE. And what do you mean 'tempt you'?! Tempt you for what?

ME: We both know that 'maybe' isn't your REAL answer. As punishment, I may just come over tonight and break into your bedroom and make you scream my name.

LIZETTE: You wouldn't dare!

ME: Is that a challenge?!?

There was no reply after that and right away I thought Maloney had come into her bedroom or something, so I just assumed it was on silent and she would get my message in the morning. That's when I left her with a good message, hoping she liked it. I swear, I can't wait for that asswipe to leave.

Damn! This girl has got me questioning myself now though. I have never had to think about things like that, especially whenever it came to women and fulfilling their wants and needs. Again, she is different and I will do whatever it takes to make her mine in the end.

ME:  Goodnight Beautiful. And in case you get this in the morning.....Good Morning Beautiful.

There. That was it. That should give her some type of an idea in how I feel towards her.

Even if she ever accepted my offer and became mine, she would quickly learn that although I am a different person and far more cruel towards my business, I would never be that way with her. Never hit her in anger. Treat her like a queen. Make Love to her whenever she wanted. I want to be the ONLY one that pleases her in every way possible. She deserves that.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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