CHAPTER 6: Tonight Things Will Be Different

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I threw this nice dinner for only my special clients and sometimes we talked business and sometimes we did not. That was when also the top of my list, best of all my clients, brought their wives and significant others or date with them. I always either brought some random girl I picked up at a bar or somewhere too, but tonight in particular, I wanted to have one girl.

While finishing getting ready looking at myself in the mirror, my bedroom door opens up and in walks Luciano all set and ready.

"Remind me again boss, why the hell we are even doing this?" He asks for the hundredth time.

"I already told you. It has been a while since we have done one of these and I just felt like it would be a good opportunity." I remind him.

"Forgive me for asking but, this wouldn't be for that girl at that that asshole's place, would it?" He asks.

I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's a stupid question." I tell him before grabbing a cigarette from off my dresser and lighting it up.

"You can tell me. I mean, I kind of figured with the way you looked at her and not to mention, she is a looker." He says.

I didn't want him to see how upset that just had made me by him saying that about her, he is lucky he is my best friend, anyways, there is no need for me to get all worked up over nothing.

"Let's just get this over with." I quickly change the subject and we begin heading downstairs just as people began to arrive.

There were minutes left before the dinner would be served in the dining room and still there was no Maloney and Lizette. I had found out her name from someone I had check on Maloney and found out they are together, yet I don't buy it. Whatever though, we shall see if they really are or aren't tonight. I have a few tricks up my sleeve in finding out the truth.

After sitting around and talking to each other, I saw one of my men answer the door and in walked both Maloney and Lizette.

She had her arm looped underneath his but she looked nervous and almost as though she was forced to smile and be happy.

To me THAT indicated right then and there they aren't truly together. He treats her like an item that can be easily replaced instead of like someone who won the lottery and treat her the way she deserves.

Looks like he was allowing her to look at people at least this time, mainly the men's women they brought and not for a long time at men still - I would change that and make sure she was safe here, if I had the chance.

So as she was being introduced I walked up to greet them.

"You both made it just in time. Dinner is about to be served in the other room." I said and looked at her with a smile.

I next looked her up and down not caring about the douchebag's reaction. I quickly noticed him kiss her on the cheek and squeeze her arm with his hand.

I didn't want to create a scene and decided to instead try something else.

"Lizette, is it?" I asked.

"Yes." She smiles a little.

"Would you like a tour after dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah..." She replied but was stopped immediately by Maloney.

"That's very nice of you but, you and I have business to discuss and I have an early flight tomorrow. So we won't have time." Maloney states.

Right now I wanted to decapitate this son of a bitch. But I took in a deep breath and let it out before we all headed into the dining room where I had Lizette sit beside me and then Luciano on the other side with of course Maloney next to her and so forth.

Right away I noticed he didn't approve of that but this was MY house after all.

We at first were served salad then the main course. Not sure what she liked, I had one of the best chef's I knew, cook up a great big feast with a little bit of everything from beef to seafood.

I smiled the moment I saw her face when she looked at her plate and right as she grabbed a fork, she suddenly dropped it and winced a little bit.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes." She replies.

"She is on a diet. I keep telling her her thick curves are what makes her sexy but, she insists on losing weight." Maloney interrupts with that bullshit lie.

"Oh honey, you look great. I have thick curves and my hubby here loves them." Some random wife says to her.

"I agree. It's more to hold on to." I winked at her which caused her to blush and pissed the hell off of Maloney.

"Can I please have another salad? Do you think your chef would mind?" She asks timidly with the look of embarrassment on her face.

"No. But I mind. This is a dinner party and one meal like this won't hurt your diet. I promise." I wink and smile at her for reassurance.

She pauses and I know it is because she is waiting for Maloney to say or do something. To which he finally gives in.

"Yeah, honey, tonight you should splurge." He replied with clenched teeth.

She then nodded her head and slowly began to eat, taking little bites and savoring each bite before swallowing it.

I swear, if she wanted to eat food like this I would give it to her everyday then show her a good workout if she truly felt like she wanted to get those curves looking curvier or what not, I would do it though by showing her, many different positions.....Shit, I am doing it again.

I was more curious in getting to know her more but knew I had to wait a little bit longer.

Throughout the rest of dinner and dessert, somewhat of some business was discussed, but mostly jokes were being told and just overall were having a good time.

Once everybody was done and left for the night, I was going to discuss with Maloney my term with the new loan I was about to give him. But mainly was doing that to kill some time so that it was longer she was here.

She excused herself to use the restroom after saying 'goodbye' to everybody and the moment everyone else was gone, I had Luciano and a couple of my other guys escort Maloney to my office while I used the restroom (or at least that is what I wanted him to believe).

When I found her, I caught her looking at a portrait of my father, mother and me when I was a little boy that was hung in the hallway upstairs. However, all I could look at was her and the beautiful sexy features that I know have not been shown any love for a very long time.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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