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I give Magan a reassuring look. I am not even sure any of us is going to be ok if we leave this place. What if I get someplace worse. I am used to how I am treated here. I survived eight years of abuse in a place I ought to call home but once I leave, I don't know how I will feel about that. Megan takes my comfort with a tight smile. I did the same. In our own weird way, we do love each other. Like I wouldn't want any harm to come to her at all but I know there are limits to how attached I can get. She even thinks I don't like her sometimes but I can I explain to her that making friends makes everything worse, for example, today. We are all about to get sold to new packs and 'friends' will cry and be heartbroken. I've had enough of that.
"Let the auction begin!" Logan's voice booms through the crowd of rich Alpha's and important men in various packs. I looked forward, above the head of these people to give me a sense of comfort. I don't want them to think I am scared or something. One thing I learnt from my father. Never let your enemies perceive your fear, that is the greatest rule of all, of course, he would say that since he was a warrior. How a pack that your family sacrificed everything could suddenly turn their backs against you is actually funny and unfortunately for me, that's my case.
The weird contact of a strange hand on my shoulders brings me back to the reality of the situation I am currently in, a messy one at that. I cleared my throat and looked up although I am scared I look fearless. I know nobody is going to pick me and I have reasons to think that. One; most of these men really just want people they can abuse and sleep with at any time they want and if not they want someone to work for them and when I mean work I mean really tasking jobs and they get to choose if they want to pay or not which of course they wouldn't. Secondly, I look really skinny which makes me look like I can't do any work but don't underestimate me when it comes to hard labour, I live for that shit!. I mean for eight years it's been my life. And because I look that skinny none of these perverts will pick me for a sex toy.
"Going" His voice shouts across the room just to make sure nobody really wants me. When nobody answered I released the breaths I did not realise I was actually holding. I hide my smile with my shoulder-length brown hair. My features are boring looking but I do know I am beautiful I look with my brown eyes and brown hair. My body is the only thing I got a problem with which I can't work on in this situation and there is even no point. If I don't end up rouge I will end up being pregnant for one of those perverted assholes that call themselves pack warriors. They don't even know their job. The ceremony went on like that. I honestly did not want anything to happen to Megan but she's a pretty young girl with the perfect curves and her constant smiles and positivity go so well with her ageing.
After an awful ceremony of selling some people off, I finally made my way back to the room I stay. On my way I checked Megan's room, one thing I think I know about her aside from her name. Her back was facing me but I can see her hand movements. She is cleaning her eyes and tucking strands of her hair back behind her eyes. How did this happen? I thought Logan will not allow this but I guess there is so much he Himself can do to help us out of this awful situation.
"Megan" I whisper. She stops and looks back. She ran to me and pulls me into a tight hug. She stays in my arms for a while and for this moment I feel like I have failed her. Somehow she has ways been in my care and now she's leaving me.
"I'm going to miss you so much Raina, you've never really liked me but I love you" She cries harder into my shirt and for the first time in eight years I express how I feel.
"I don't hate you, Megan. This" I point towards us both
"This happening right now is the reason I never make friends. I get attached and then heartbroken when we have to separate. I love you Megan and I hope your new pack treats you well" I kiss her cheek. I can see the brush on her cheek and she withdraws from me.
"So you loved me all along. Wow," She says surprised. I laugh at her. Probably the first time I laughed in years.
"Yes I do, now we need to get you ready" I pull her away from the door as we both make our way to her bedside. While folding the little clothes she actually owned she told me some things about her.
"I'm Megan Fox, nineteen if you're wondering. What about you" She asks, her blue eyes shining with excitement.
"Raina Belmont, twenty-two," I tell her. Wow, I actually did make a friend right I am going to lose her.
"So that makes you my minimum, right?" I laugh
"If it makes you feel good" I shrug. I close her small bag of items and kiss her cheeks.
"I hope you are safe little one" With that I leave the room. I walk back to my room to get ready for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a very big day. More work for whoever was not picked and a lot of sad goodbyes of sorrow by a lot of females like me. As soon as I lay on the bed to sleep I hear screams of my name from Taryn. Argh!

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