t hirtytwo

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minho was a mess.

in the beginning he was completely fine. he was okay with not knowing what caused jisung to breakdown for a little. he was understanding of him needing space, a small break from each other.

but the days grew longer and longer.

he felt like something was missing. day after day, he tried to reach out to jisung. multiple texts, multiple calls, multiple voicemails, yet nothing in return.

the worse scenarios popped in his head, stressing him out and distracting him from his responsibilities. he grew this hatred towards himself each second he thought about it.

he was the only one he could blame.

he, too, stayed in his bed hours at a time, doing nothing. he lost his appetite as he took care of his cats, having no energy to do anything else.

days began feeling like months; constantly being alone with only his thoughts. he checked his phone every hour, almost throwing it across the room when a notification who wasn't jisungs popped up.

he was hopeless. all he could do was wait.

he missed having him in his arms.

minho received a text from felix:

talked to han, he's a mess too. he didn't tell me much but he told me he would talk to you soon. probably before school starts up again but i'm not sure :(

minho read it to himself, only letting out a sigh.


he contemplated on trying to call jisung again— send him a text. with the constant annoyance, that could be the reason why he wouldn't talk to minho. he wasn't giving him time to truly— be alone.

minho turned his head to face dori who was laying beside him. "should i call jisung?" he asked his cat; he needed an excuse to reach out again. all they could do was meow, answering him.

minho squinted his eyes at his own cat, "okay. i'm blaming you if this gets worse."

he dialed his boyfriends number, hearing the slow ringing, waiting for the other end to pick up.

"i just need to hear your voice." minho said as he waited. he expected to hear the automated voice as the ringing continued, but he didn't. he only heard silence; which was new.

he sat up from his bed in shock, "h—hello? sungie?" he quickly asked. he waited a few seconds, still hearing nothing but the small static noise.

"baby boy, please let me hear you. say something— anything." minhos voice cracked a little, his throat feeling stiff.

a few more seconds of silence passed, minho closing his eyes again as he anticipated the voice he missed hearing. the faint static stopped. he put his phone down from his ear, seeing he hung up.

not a single word was exchanged.

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