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"hyunjin texted us you had a class still?" seungmin tilted his head in confusion seeing jeongin walk besides hyunjin.

jeongin smiled innocently, "told the teacher i had a dentist appointment and left. it always works."

"you smartass— you gotta stop skipping class." changbin lightly punched the youngest's arm, making jeongin groan.

"and you have to start skin care, you're getting wrinkles." jeongin fired back as he squeezed changbin's cheeks.

"chan would kill you if he was here."

"awe~ still needing your older friends to fight for your ass?" jisung teased.

"okay okay no more fighting. what's everyone feeling? where do y'all wanna go?" seungmin broke up the playful bullying they started.

"hurry and choose i don't wanna stay in the sun." changbin complained.

everyone scrolled through their phones, letting out "mmm's" as they figured out where they wanna hang out next.

jeongin jumped up, grabbing everyone's attention. "ah! lets go to the cafe down the street! it recently opened and i remember seeing some cupcakes i wanted to try." the rest nodded and began following the youngest's lead to the cafe.

"it's too quiet." hyunjin broke the silence as they walked.

"what do you want us to do about it?" seungmin laughed.

hyunjin shrugged his shoulders, "anything new happen to you guys? changbin are you still gay?"

"shut up!" changbin held a fist up playfully making hyunjin flinch and hide behind jisung.

"hm everything's boring at school! it'll be even more boring when you all are gone next year." jeongin pouted and kicked a small rock while walking.

"it's okay jeong, your year sucks anyways! you can brag about having hot upperclassmen friends." jisung said.

"yeah just don't mention ji! he ruins our rep."

jisung pointed,"you all suck! is this the place?" their group came to a stop in front of a small store with a grey and white color palette inside. it looked as if there were more college students with a little elderly people inside rather than kids their own age.

noticing this, they became hesitant to enter, afraid they would stand out too much. they looked and acted like classic teenagers.

"let's go!" jeongin linked arms with jisung and seungmin, dragging them in with him as hyunjin and changbin followed behind.

the five of them fell into a line waiting for their turn to order, "this place is cute, isn't it?" jeongin whispered to them.

they all nodded looking around them.

"what do you want? i'll pay for you guys." jisung offered when eyeing the small list that was displayed behind the counter.

"you'll pay?! since when are you nice?" changbin's eyes became wide in shock.

jisung pushed him lightly, "decide or you're paying for yourself."

"can you get something for felix and chan too? i feel bad they aren't here." seungmin whispered towards jisung.

without realizing, they were all next in line.

jisung pointed to a piece of cake that was displayed, "i'll have one slice of this cheesecake please— and those two cake pops."

as the next person said their order jisung shifted his eyes towards the cashier. he felt his face heat up seeing how attractive the worker was.

he had black jeans on with a white long sleeve button up and an apron on top; the basic dress code every employee wore. yet jisung was practically drooling from the sight of him.

"okay! that will be $34.12! would that be card or cash?" the cashier smiled softly as he scanned through the group of boys to figure out who would pay. his eyes quickly shifted towards jisung when he made a swift move opening his wallet.


the employee's smile widen letting out a small chuckle as jisung stuttered. the rest quickly let out whispers to each other clearly making fun of their friend. jisung mentally slapped himself knowing he was in for a swarm of annoying comments.

"alright, take this sign that has your order number and feel free to sit wherever you like. we'll bring out your order when everything's ready."

the teenagers let out thank you's and bowed as they walked away.

changbin was the first to tease jisung about his little stutter.

"c—c-card" he mocked the boy.

"i will not hesitate to punch your stupid face right here, right now."

COFFEE - minsungWhere stories live. Discover now