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"hello? jisung?" hyunjin waved his hand in front of the boy. jisung shook his head, waking himself up before he passes out.

hyunjin was walking past jisung over to his desk behind him. he quickly tried to wake jisung up without making it look obvious to the other students in class.

"sorry, i'm listening!" jisung exclaimed, gaining looks around him.

hyunjin covered his mouth as he giggled, "dumbass— don't fall asleep right now. the teacher was eyeing you."

jisung let out a sigh in frustration. all he wanted right now was for school to be non existent. he didn't have time for it.. didn't want to have time for it.

felix was sitting next to jisung and nudged his shoulder to grab his attention.

"try this. it'll wake you up." felix handed him his drink; jisung taking it without a thought. his face scrunched up in disgust as the liquid quickly entered his mouth.

"gross lix, what is this?!" he tried to stay quiet, handing the drink back to his friend.

felix took his drink back, chuckling a little, "coffee. i didn't know you hated it that much. why'd you even take it?"

"i thought it was milk or something! why are you drinking this now?!" jisung angrily whispered towards him.

"who the fuck drinks milk with ice?!"

"yeah okay, shut up i'm trying to pay attention." jisung scribbles random words in his notebook, looking up and down from the board in the front of the room.

the annoyingly loud bell the high schoolers knew too well rung after a long lecture. the three rushed out the door, looking like they were suffocating in that class.

"this your last class han?" hyunjin asked as they walked through crowds of people.

jisung nodded while felix groaned. "you have another one?" jisung asked felix.

"sadly. catch you losers later." felix walked ahead of the two. he slowly disappeared around a building onto his last class for the day.

"losers." hyunjin air quoted his friend, laughing. the two walked to their lockers, putting their books away.

"who else is free? maybe we can go somewhere." hyunjin leaned against the locker next to jisung's as he finished cleaning up.

"i think changbin and seungmin are. not sure about jeongin." jisung replied, looking down on his phone scrolling through notifications.

"text binnie and seungmin to meet us in the front and i'll find jeong." hyunjin tells jisung, sharing a nod as they go their separate ways.

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