t wentythree

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the boys arrived at the library near their school and quickly found a spot before it was taken by other people. they fussed about who would take what snack and who sits where.

they settled down, making slight conversation with each other before starting to get to work.

jisung and seungmin pulled out similar sheets of paper and their own presentations. they compared answers and gave feedback to help each other.

felix and jeongin exchanged homework answers for each other. seeing jeongin was a grade below the rest, felix had luckily has had some of the teachers jeongin has— helping him understand the assignments.

"it would make more sense to put this here and take this out. it would look more organized." seungmin pointed out on jisungs presentation. jisung nodded, doing exactly what seungmin told him to do.

the four sat in silence for a while— being so focused in their work. this was the only time they could be productive; when they were together. something about working in a group just makes you want to work.

the silence was broken as jisungs phone vibrated on the table. minhos name was displayed, as expected.

the three looked at him, nodding to answer as they went back to put their heads down.

"hello?" jisung whispered.

"hey babe, why are you whispering?"

jisung made a confused face, "we're still at the library?"

you could hear minho moving on his end, letting out a small gasp.

"baby it's almost midnight. do you want me to take you guys home?"

jisung pulled his phone away from his ear, looking at the time himself. he cursed grabbing his friends attention.

"it's midnight guys, do you want minho to take you home?" jisung told them, still on the phone with his boyfriend. the rest cursed as well, rushing to pack their things.

"if you don't mind.." jisung put his phone up to his ear again.

"i'm already on the way baby, i'll see you soon." minho hung up.

"if minhos always this nice, i approve of him dating you." seungmin tells jisung, closing his notes books and putting his pens away.

"did you not approve of him before?!" jisung whisper yelled. seungmin shook his head letting out a laugh.

"you all must have been really focused, hm?" minho teased them as they met outside. jisung nodded, rubbing his eye as he yawned. minho snaked his arm over jisungs shoulders, jisung immediately resting his head on minho.

"if you want, you guys can text me your addresses and you can sleep in the car." minho told the three boys who stood in front of the couple. they looked at each other awkwardly and began pulling out their phones.

"feel free to text or call me anytime as well! don't be shy, okay? you are jisung's friends." minho put his number in each of their phones, pulling jisung closer to him as he was done.

"thank you." the three said in sync. they didn't know how to act as jisung was falling asleep in his arms. how are you supposed to act when you first talk to your friends boyfriend?

minho led them to his car, putting their bags in the trunk. minho put jisungs seatbelt— jisung already knocked out.

the three went in the back, leaning against each other falling asleep as well.

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