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ring ring ring

jisung picked up his phone nervously and answered minho's phone call.

"hey beautiful, i think i'm outside your place. come out whenever you're ready." minho says through the phone.

while jisung fixed his hair before leaving his house, minho looked around his car trying to make it as presentable as possible. he threw small pieces of trash he missed under his chair and fixed himself up as well.

"i'm going out now!" jisung yelled in his house to update his mom. she responded as jisung ran out his door.

he spotted minho's car, looking down at his phone as he walked towards it. there wasn't any notification on it, he just did it out of nervousness. he didn't see minho step out of his car.

"hey." jisung smiled slightly as minho rushed to open his door.

"you look pretty today." minho shot a smile at jisung as he put his seatbelt on him. he closed the door softly, walking to the drivers side.

"do you do that with everyone who gets in a car with you?" jisung chuckled.

minho shook his head while reaching for his own seatbelt. "just you."

minho started the car and began to drive to the place.

"you excited? sorry this was so last minute." minho began a conversation between each other.

jisung bit his lip, "i am excited! but rollercoasters aren't really my thing, you know?"

minho chuckled, "they aren't mine either. lets hold hands on all of them, okay?"

"why would you w—wanna hold hands?" jisung almost slapped himself hearing his stutter.

minho's face formed a smile noticing how nervous jisung was around him. he found it cute knowing how easy it is to make the boy flustered.

"because if one of us falls off the ride, we'll drag the other one off too."

jisungs mouth opened as a small laugh came out; thrown off by what minho said. minho glanced over at him, laughing as well.

"you were up pretty late last night— you can take a nap while we're on the way there, i don't mind." minho suggested.

"me? sleeping while you drive? i'll pass." jisung leaned back in his chair.

"why not?"

"i wanna talk to you."

minho laughed lightly once again, "we'll be together for the whole day. an extra hour of sleep won't hurt."

"well, you can't make me. are you on aux?"

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