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it was just like deja vu; jisung's head falling into his arms on his desk.

"jisung i expect you to be awake for this." a loud voice echoed in the room. the boy immediately sat up straight giving an apologetic look at his teacher. they rolled their eyes at him, continuing with the lecture.

the bell rung shortly after making the teacher groan as the students ran out the class. jisung calmly grabbed his things, too tired to be in any sort of rush.

hyunjin bumped into jisung down the halls, "hey loser, heard you went on a date yesterday.. did you get to third base already?" hyunjin felt jisung energy.

"wHAT?!? no nasty stuff happened. who even says third base anyways?" jisung shook his head in an attempt to wake himself up again.

"you're right. then i'm guessing you stayed up late?"

jisung nodded as the two entered their next class, "and i went broke. the foods at amusement parks are so overpriced! they took so much money for the tickets, why make us suffer more to stay hydrated?" he ranted, frustrated.

if his teachers embarrassing him in front of his class didn't wake him up, this surely did.

"well i guess it's time for you to get a job? go work at that cafe with your boyfriend."

"he isn't my boyfriend."

"but you want him to be." hyunjin chuckled as he began writing notes in his notebook.

the school day passed fairly quickly for jisung despite him trying to sleep in every class. chan sent him a text wanting to meet up with him after school. jisung quickly made his way to the front, scanning the crowds of kids until he saw chan.

"no arguing, we're going to that cafe your little crush works at." chan immediately says as he grabs onto jisungs wrist.

"not even a 'hi jisung it's so good to see you! how are you doing'?" jisung rolled his eyes as he followed chan.

"i've been waiting for a while! i'm impatient now." chan defended, letting jisungs wrist go.

"mhm but seeing him isn't that exciting."

chan turned his head towards jisung, "who wouldn't want to make fun of their friends crush?"

the two walked in comfortable silence on the way to the familiar cafe. the smell of coffee and sweets filled their noses as they entered.

"do you see him?" chan asked as they fell in line to order.

jisung shook his head, "no, he's usually at the cashier or serving tables."

"mm okay, what did you wanna get?" chan asked, pulling out his wallet.

"iced caramel coffee? i heard those wake people up." jisung told chan his order as they went up to order.

they sat at a small table after they ordered.

"maybe he's working in the back today, i don't know." jisung told chan.

"i hope, i wanted to tease you." chan pouted.

"shut up." jisung argued. someone came over to their table shortly handing them their drinks.

"i thought you didn't like coffee." chan points out.

jisung starts to drink his drink, still making a face as he tastes it. "i don't, but i wanted to try something new." he lied.

ring ring ring

jisungs phone went off, showing minho's contact name. the two looked at each other with their heads tilted in confusion.

"hey sungie, i wanted to make sure you were out of school before i called you." minho said over the phone.

"aren't you working right now?" jisung asked. you could hear a small giggle on his phone.

"today i had morning shift. i can send you my schedule for the week if you want. are you at the cafe now?" minho blushed on his end knowing that the boy wanted to see him again.

"mhm id like that."

"did you visit the cafe to look for me?" minho asked.

"i—um my friend— i just wanted to get coffee to wake me up since we stayed at the park pretty late! i h—have to go now!" jisung panicked.

minho laughed, "bye beautiful."

jisung pushed the red button on his phone, hanging up the call. he looked up at chan who was holding in his laugh.

"don't say a word."

COFFEE - minsungWhere stories live. Discover now