"I think so." Semi hummed, pushing Tendou away as Sakusa looked over.

Sakusa slightly nodded, turning towards Komori as he said something inaudible to the Shiratorizawa boys, turning back to them and walking over soon after.

"Hah? Why's he walking over... stand tall Semi-Semi!" Tendou whispered, standing up straighter to make himself look taller. "Don't let him intimidate-" He stopped, squinting at Sakusa before leaning back with a glare.

"Is it me or did the kid grow since we last saw him?" He grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked at the small, and almost unnoticed height difference between him and Sakusa.

"...He still looks tall to me." Semi grumbled, looking away as he tried to not seem bothered by his obvious height difference with the second year.

"Ah, don't worry Semi-Semi! One seventy seven looks great on you." Tendou hummed, grinning at Semi as he glared at him.

"One seventy seven point eight, get it right." He murmured, looking away as he ignored Tendou's snickers.

Tendou turned back, standing up straight as he cleared his throat, lowering his voice to a whisper when he noticed Sakusa was steps away.

"Now's not the time to be butthurt Semi-Semi, we have to show bendy wrists who's Y/N-chan's favorite." He whispered, crossing his arms as he looked back at Sakusa.

He cleared his throat, raising a brow as he looked at him with a mocking yet intimidating look. "What-"

"Hey." Ushijima cut him off, nodding at Sakusa as he slightly bowed to him.


"..." Tendou blinked at Sakusa, surprised that he was talking so casually with Ushijima and had ignored him so effortlessly.


Tendou whipped his head around, glaring at Yamagata and Semi trying to hold in their laughs as Reon gave him a small smile, also trying to conceal his urge to laugh.

"Don't mind Tendou-san." Kawanishi hummed, setting a hand on his shoulder as he gave him a blank look.

Tendou sighed, lightly punching Kawanishi's arm as he straightened up. "You're right Taichi-kun~ let me intimidate him now." He grinned, swiftly turning around as he held his head up high.

"Oi, bendy wrists! We've seen you on-"


Tendou slowly cracked an eye open, lowering his head so he was looking at Ushijima eye to eye.

"Who're you talking to?"

Tendou looked next to him, finally noticing the missing presence of his target as his mouth slowly fell open.

The boys behind him let their laughter break through as Tendou blushed in embarrassment, stomping up ahead as he followed coach Washijou into the lobby for check-in.

"Is he mad?" Ushijima asked, looking back at the others as Reon shook his head.

"Just Tendou being Tendou, don't mind Wakatoshi."

Ushijima nodded, readjusting his bag on his shoulder as he nodded at them to start heading in, the boys following after him as their laughter slowly died down.


"This sucks." Atsumu mumbled, kicking a random stone in his path as he glared down at the ground with his hands in his pockets.

"Whaddaya mean this sucks? Yer literally at Nationals... scrub." Osamu clicked his tongue, lightly glaring at his brother, as Atsumu let out a long and exaggerated sigh.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now