"Uh Michelle, where's Courtney? She wasn't up in her room."  I asked.

She started smiling and pointed to a room down the hall. I never have went into this room mostly because it was Courtney's moms room and I didn't need to be in that room.

I walked down the hall and opened the last door before I peeked my head in to find my princess curled up on one side with the duvet resting over her. I thought for a second before I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a nice picture of her before posting it on Twitter.

"@NiallOfficial: Look, my princess is still sleeping at one in the afternoon. She's as bad as Zayn. @ThisIsCourtney."

She'd probably hurt me later for that one but it will be so worth it. I walked over to the bed and started rubbing her arm into .  She tensed up a little.

"Louis, if that is you I will smack you." She muttered while turning around to see who it was I grinned. Before she could open her eyes and see who it was I leaned down to give her a sweet kiss.

"Definitely not Louis." She mumbled along my lips. She smirked then pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around me.

"Time to get up princess." I whispered as I gently gave her kisses on the forehead.

"But I'm comfortable and tired." She whined.  

"Your mom made bacon." I persuaded. She shot up and was out the door before I could start laughing. I followed after her and went into the kitchen to see a very mad princess.

"Niall James Horan, you said she made bacon. I see nor smell any! Where the hells my bacon?" She glared at me with her arms crossed. I laughed.

"Had to get my princess up some way and I knew bacon was your weakness." I said as pulled her into a hug. She pouted and slouched her shoulders.

"Guess I'll just make some cereal. Want some?" she asked when she pulled away. I nodded my head and went in to the dining room to wait. Yeah I just had breakfast at my house but food is food.

 About two minutes later she came out with two very big bowls of Lucky Charms.

"Lucky Charms for my little leprechaun." She cooed as she set one bowl in front of.

"Har har." I said as I began eating. Courtney took the seat beside me and started eating her too.

"So tonight I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." She asked.

"Sure, where are you going?" I said around a mouthful of cereal. She laughed and smacked my shoulder playfully.

"Don't speak with your mouth full and it's a surprise but just dress casual, okay?"  

I rolled my eyes but agreed. We ate our cereal in silence and once we finished I took both mine and her dishes into the kitchen. While I washed the bowls and spoons Courtney went upstairs to get changed for the day.  

I finished the dishes and went into the living room to sit with Josh and Michelle. 

"So what are you and everyone else doing today?" Michelle asked me once I sat down in the empty love seat. I hadn't really thought about that.

"I'm not really for sure. Is there something that you were planning to do today with Courtney?" I asked kind of nervously. I hadn't one clue as to why I was nervous but I was. Maybe because I didn't really want to spend the day away from her?

"Oh no, just being an over protective parent Niall." She said.

She laughed lightly and I heard Josh making a sound from beside her.  I nodded my head and turned towards the television. About five minutes later Courtney came down stairs. We said our goodbyes and then went back over to my house. Once I opened the door I was pulled down to the floor by Courtney's hand.

My Best Friend // Niall HoranTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon