I pouted and look back at Alfredo who is smirking down at me but nodded my head and said softly: "okay Bubba, I would never broke your trust"

He give me a little kiss on my forehead making me smile happily. I quickly kiss his right cheek and said softly: "thank you"

He pat my head and smile a little bit. I saw dimples on his cheeks. I gasp making everyone look at me. I said softly touching his dimple cheeks: "you have dimples. Why I don't have dimples? I always want dimples. They looks really cute"

Armando shake his head and get up simply while Dario start laughing loudly making everyone look at him. He quickly shut himself and said simply: "okay bye, you gonna be late for school"

I giggle and said softly: "you're so cute. I think a nickname for you Rio. Do you like it if not then I can"

He said softly: "umm I like it. It's cute"

I giggle and said softly: "okay Rio"

Marcello give me my bag. I swing it over my shoulder. I pick my new phone and put it in my pocket. Vincenzo came towards me and give me airpods making me smile and hug him.

I said softly waving at my brothers: "bye"

They nodded at me and I walk out with Alfredo. I'm going towards his white car but he said simply: "not this one"

I look back and saw a black shinning car. I run towards and touch it while smiling widely. He open door and I sat inside while smiling at the car interiors. He jogged to other side and sat inside. He started to drove to school.

I'm looking outside with big eyes. I piuted because it's glass is closed. I grin when it's slowly get up. I start looking outside feeling the cold air touching my face making me shiver from the coldness. We reach school after 20 minutes. He stop and park the car. I hopped off the car.

He take a deep breathe and get out with a blank face. I saw there are so many students talking and doing their things. They start looking at us. I went towards Alfredo and hold his hand. He look in front of him at the students and they quickly averted theory gazes. I smile and we walk inside. We went towards the office where a man is sitting on a big chair. He must be principal.

I said softly: "good morning sir"

He look at me then Alfredo and stand up from his chair. Alfredo smirk and pull a chair and give me a sign to sit down so I sat down on chair while looking here and there.

Alfredo said blankly sitting on a chair: "Armando ti ha parlato di Puri Sister, la principessa della mafia.  Se ha avuto problemi nella tua scuola.  la tua famiglia sarà sulle strade e tu finiresti in una bara.  Informa ogni fottuta persona in questa scuola di lei e specialmente i ragazzi, se qualcuno la guarda con i suoi occhi sporchi, sarà morto la mattina dopo.  Voglio che quell'informazione si blocchi nel cervello di ogni fottuta persona della tua scuola. Di' a tutti gli insegnanti della sua classe di parlarle dolcemente e di non urlarle contro, non le piace.  Questo è tutto per ora. (Armando told you about our sister, the Mafia princess. If she had any problem in your school. your family will be on roads and you would end in coffin. Inform every fucking person in this school about her and specially boys, if anyone even look at her with their filthy eyes, he will be dead next morning. I want that information lock in every fucking person's brain in your school.Tell all her class teachers to talk sweetly to her and not to shout at her, she don't like that. That's it for now)"

He gulped and said simply: "yes sir, I will remember that and also inform everyone"

He said softly looking at me giving me a paper: "here is your time table Miss Victoria Rosanna Moretti"

My Deadly Protectors  ✔ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ