When the second chorus begins, Shay, rather than dancing on his own, pulls Isla into his arms, her body moving like an extension of his as he plays to the audience, throwing her up in the air to one part of the song that calls for a superman to lift her off her feet. Only to spin her overhead before Isla drops and lands next to him.

Several of the audience gasp then cheers as he turns her, their interpretive dance spectacular causing many of them to laugh and begin dancing along with them.

However, it's not until the bridge starts that the real show begins. Isla breaks off, spinning, leaping, and twirling to the music. Her body moves as if she is walking on air, executing moves that most people can only dream of. I silently thank Alexei for purchasing a dress for her that flares out like a ballerina tutu.

"She's magnificent," I hear someone in the crowd say, while others shout and yell their appreciation. Everyone is now watching Isla; even all the elementals shift their attention to the dancefloor, focusing solely on her.

When the music reaches its peak, Isla turns and runs back to Shay, leaping off the ground to a height that would be impossible for most shifters. Gracefully landing in Shay's outstretched arms, which are held high above his head, before he drops them, her body plummeting to the floor.

The audience reacts with fear, but then quickly changes to shouts of applause when they see Shay catch her again at the last moment, her body spinning before wrapping itself around his frame once more.

"This is better than watching sex. Is he her mate?" Stephan asks, "Dom's going to be pissed," he adds. "I've never seen a couple move as well as those two."

The party is in full swing, with the majority of attendees moving to join them on the floor, dancing, and drinking. The energy is electric.

"I can't believe this world has been around me all my life, and I had no idea," Ava comments. I smirk at my BFF, her eyes wide as she takes in the different shifter factions, base elementals, and other magical entities, all moving to the music.

We've been surrounded by them for over two hours, and still, she's gobsmacked. Bless her cotton socks.

Nudging her, I grin, watching a witch getting cozy with a feline shifter. "Well, you didn't miss out on much." Smirking at Shay as he comically bows to his fans when the song ends, the music changing to another popular dance tune. Several community members try to engage them, but I notice Shay shake his head and start leading Isla through the crowd, whispering something in her ear. She nods, though a slight frown appears on her face.

"OMG, you guys were fantastic," I tell them when they arrive, Isla reaching out for a glass of water, my voice elevated to be heard over the noise around us.

"Next time, it'll be you and me, Tiger." Shay teases with a wink, lifting a random glass of unfinished scotch to his lips.

"I could never dance like that. Well, not unless there's a bed or a wall involved," I joke, imagining myself attempting their graceful moves. It's a skill I'd love to have, even just a fraction of their talent, especially while fully clothed.

"Meh, stick with us long enough, and it becomes almost mandatory," Shay assures with a casual shrug.

Curious, I turn to face him. "How did you learn to dance like that?" I ask, watching as he waves over a returning Griffin, who exchanges a few words with him before joining us.

"I'd like to know that as well," Stephan adds, settling into his seat and casting an admiring glance at Shay.

He winces as he turns his gaze to me. "Gamma. The old bat had a thing for '80s songs, Elton John, and don't get me started on her taste in movies. I still shudder when I think of The Wizard of Oz. That and Yellow Brick Road."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now