Chapter 47

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—- 20 minutes later—-

"What do you think of this one?"

"It's beautiful! You look like a princess."

"I think this is the one guys." I said to Shadow, Blaze and Kay.

We all got home again.

"Luci?! We are back!"

"Okay!" He yelled from the kitchen

I went over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Did you find something nice?" He asked

"Yes. You'll love it."

"I would love it anyway, as long as you do. But I would love it even more when I can see that dress on the floor tomorrow night."

—- the next day—-

I woke up to Lucifer already gone. I was excited for today. I got up, went on a morning run, went to the shower to clean myself. Put on some comfy clothes and went to eat breakfast. After break fast I went upstairs again and picked out some clothes for Phoenix. Then all my friends came. The boys stayed downstairs and the girls and I got ready. They put on their dresses and Kaya did everyone's makeup. She was an expert in this. Then it was time to put on my dress.

Kaya then did my makeup too

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Kaya then did my makeup too.

By the time everybody was ready it was time for dinner already. The only thing I knew is that the wedding is at sunset.

It was almost time.

I got out the car that brought us to the place Luci picked out. It was indeed beautiful.

This was the venue

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This was the venue.

Damion was going to wed us. He went over the usual texts he has to say.
"Lucifer you can now tell your vows."

"Tala Lexi, I know we didn't have an easy path to go through. We have been through many things but in the end it only made us stronger and happier than ever. I always loved you from the moment you walked in my life I wanted you. I know I've been an asshole and a jerk but I promise you here and now, once again, that I will make you the happiest you've ever been. I will protect you from anything and any danger. I will love you for infinity. I promise to take care if you like I did before andI promise to be here everyday of your life wether you want or need me. I love you my queen, forever."

"Tala you can say your vows."

"Lucifer, I know we've been through a lot, we've had fights and arguments quite a lot of times but we always made up and that's what's important. We've lost each other multiple times but we always found our way back to each other. In the time I lost my memory, I noticed your flaws again but I also fell in love with you all over again. The night I killed that demon was because I knew he was lying to me, he wanted to rule but I needed to know what he wanted with you. The moment he told me to kill you and you pulled the ring out, I saw his lies and everything came rushing back to me. I shot him because I love you. I love you more than I ever thought would be possible. I promise to only love you more and to take care of you everytime you need or want me to, even when you are too stubborn to admit you're hurt. I will be there. I love you Lucifer, forever. That's a promise."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lucifer pulled me in and kissed me in the most passionated way ever.

We are gonna spend the rest of forever together.


The end


Omg! Omg! Omg!

The book is completed. Thank y'all so much for reading this book. I really hope you enjoyed Lucifer's and Tala's journey.

I love you all. 🖤🤍

I hope to see y'all back in one of my next books😘

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