Chapter 39

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"You still could have notified us. His family."

"I wanted to but that would have meant that you would have had two deaths to sorrow. And who was I to make you all feel that way."

"I'm gonna kill you. Or even better, when Lucifer walks through the door, into this room, looking for you I will kill him and make you watch everything of it."

"I don't know if you know but Lucifer is in a coma..."

"Not anymore sweetie. He woke up a few hours after you got here."

"No." I sounded desperate. And to be honest I was. I wasn't there when he woke up. I should have been there. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" I asked.

They took out their phone and let me watch the footage of Lucifer's room. This evening 6:38pm he woke up. I watched the video in front of me. It broke me I wasn't there and I couldn't even tell him about our baby boy.

"Let me go!" I yelled

"No." They said and left me there all alone.

"Please, I can't lose Lucifer or my baby. They're one of the few things that actually matter to me. Please." I begged. he stopped in his tracks, just in front of the door.

"Well, too bad isn't it. It's good I know all your weaknesses darling. It makes it more fun and easier for me. Guess that's what you get for killing my brother, mhhh." And disappeared after the closing door.

"Come back, you coward. Untie me and fight me. Let's see who wins!" I yelled

"Tala, that's bad for the baby you know. Also you would lose within a few seconds. You don't stand a chance against me." They spoke through a speaker.

"Seth! Come here and say that to my face!" I yelled. Before I knew it the door swung open again.

Seth entered the room, once again.

"You don't want to do this Tala!" He laughed.

"Let me go!"

"No. It's either you, or Lucifer. One of you has to die."

"Lucifer will kill you! Do you honestly believe you can get away with this?"

"No, i know i will." He said

"You won't Lucifer will find you. You can't escape him."

He slapped me across the face
"I will" he said full confidence

"No you won't" I said with a breaking voice

He came to me and untied me. I stood up immediately and got ready to fight but one of his friends or whatever kicked me, making me fall to my knees. Then he started punching me in the face. Once he was done I stood up. Blood dripping from my nose and I had a cut on my forehead and my cheek.

"You can't fight a fight all alone. What are you? Weak?" I provoked

"Leave" he ordered his minions

They all left

We both got ready to fight again. I got rid of the dripping blood and pushed my tears back. I was ready for this. I've always been the stronger fighter out of the group so I can win this. As long as he doesn't cheat.

—— Lucifer's pov ——

I ran out of that hospital to my office at home. The nurses and doctors knew better than to stop me. Once I was home I started my computer and started looking over every surveillance camera we had in the abandoned part of the city. Most of them are broken but I installed some new hidden ones. Nobody knows of these. After an hour I finally saw it. I saw how it was at least 4 men kidnapped her. I saw how she got blindfolded and how she was thrown in the van.

After I saw her, something in me clicked. I had to find her. But at this moment I was frozen. Shocked. Tala, the love of my life, was pregnant. And by the looks of it, she's in her third trimester.

Jax and Dam came running in the room too now. "Lucifer..." I stopped them

"Tala... my Tala is pregnant..." I said

"Yes, 7 months."

"She had to go through those 7 months all alone?" I asked

"No, dam was by her side." Jax said

"No worries, just as a friend" dam defended himself.

"Mhhh, okay. Do you know what they are?"

"Yes... but do you want to hear it from me or from her?" He asked.

"I don't know, i want to know as soon as possible but I" i explained

"You also wanna hear it from her?" Jax completed my sentence.


"You should hear it from her." They both said

"Okay, now we have some work to do guys. We need to find my girl." I said and started opening some files on my computer.

"We've been looking for her ever since she went missing. We didn't find anything. Dam checked every building there and I checked every camera." Jax said to me

"Even the hidden ones?" I said smirking

"What hidden ones?" Jax was surprised

"The ones I installed myself a few years ago."

"What?" They were confused

"Yes... I already checked them. How else would I know that Tala is pregnant?" I questioned them

"Wow, eumhh okay. Lets start then."

— 1 month later —

Did you find anything?" Dam asked

"Yes, there were at least 4 men that kidnapped her. The van was driving towards the buildings that exploded in the civil war." I explained

"There are only a few buildings left in that area." Jax thought

"It will be easy to find her there." Dam said

"Make my army ready to fight. I want only the best and the ones we can trust for 100 percent."

"I'll make them ready" Dam said and left the room.

"Jax I want you to make some explosives and then stay in the car and see if there are any cameras. If there are you hack them and see if Tala is there, how many men there are and who the leader is." I explained the plan.

"Okay." And he ran out of the room too

We got ready and left.

The 5 cars parked right in front of the building. We got our guns clipped to us and checked the earpieces.

I went in with everyone while Jax made sure she was here.

We entered the room and I saw her. I wasn't thinking anymore and ran to her. I untied her. She had cuts all over her body.

"Lucifer!" I heard from behind me.

"Seth?! What the fuck!" I yelled

He pointed a gun at me and Tala

"Choose! It's one of you who gets the bullet!"

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