Chapter 26

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It took everything in me to kick this fucker of off me and get up. I could barely stand from all the injuries but I walked. I walked out like nothing happened. Like I wasn't affected by the wounds. Like the wounds didn't hurt me so fucking bad. I walked out there to see everyone's face go pale and some look away. I looked over to Damion who was smirking and then to Luci, who was angry and concerned. I saw that he was struggling to stay seated in his chair but he had to. I walked over to the rest of the participants and waited for Luci to say who wins this round.

"The last two win" he said "because they walked out like they weren't affected. And just kept walking even tho they felt bad or are hurt."
And as he said that everyone started to applause and after... my vision went all black... I blacked out.

I woke up in our room again. Lucifer was sitting on the bed next to me.

"Luci?" I said in a soft voice

"Hey princess, just take it easy okay." He said

"What happened?" I asked.

"You blacked out because of your injuries. What happened in there?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know anymore." I spoke the truth. I honestly have no idea what happened before I blacked out. I remember getting the dare and going into the room. And that's it. All black.

"It's all good, you're safe now Princess." Luci reassured me.

"Who's went to the next round?" I asked

"You and shadow. You both walked out there like nothing happened even tho you just did or experienced what you feared the most." He explained.

"Okay, Luci?"

"Yes princess"

"Who's gonna give us the final challenge?" I asked, and his face grew pale. He didn't look at me instead he looked at the ground. "What's wrong?"

"Dam is gonna give you both the last challenge. Someone had their suspicions about us being together so for the last challenge, all I can do is make sure you're both safe." He told me

"But.. why can't you do it? You're...less cruel than Damion is to us." I pouted

"Princess, that's just because I love you and I can't do it because they think I'll give you something easy."

"Alright then..."

"So, you're afraid of an aggressive drunk person?" Luci asked me.

"I-... yes"

"Why? Did something happen to you?" He worried.

"A few times yes, but every time it Almost happened. I never really got into very bad trouble."

"Can you tell me?"

"I almost got kidnapped once ... he kicked me multiple times and I broke a few ribs and my arm. Then there was this other time where I, almost, got raped. I would have been... if my guy best friend wouldn't have been there at that exact time and don't get me wrong, I can fight but the man was at least a foot taller and looked like a bodybuilder. And lastly there was this time a bunch of drunken old men that came up to me and followed me home, they broke in into my house the same night while drunk. They didn't steal anything but my door was broken and I had to stay at my friends place until the door was fixed." I told him everything.

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